[b]Name:[/b] Marcus 'Chief' White-Feather [b]Metatype:[/b] Elf [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Native American [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Class:[/b] Street Samurai [b]Appearance:[/b] Crow black hair tied in a small braid, 5'O clock shadow, brown eyes, pointed ears, looks like he's in his early 20s. Slim build, but obviously in shape. Wears a black coat with plenty of pouches and cargo trousers with black combat boots. Has a right cyberware arm. [b]Cyberware:[/b] Right arm, has adrenaline auto injectors to increase his speed. However the canisters are incredibly small and expensive. [b]Magical/Physad abilities:[/b] Surprisingly little magical ability. [b]Equipment:[/b] A small medical kit, an Uzi III, and a sharpened shuriken. Plus an eagle necklace carved from a pine tree. [b]Biography:[/b] Marcus White-Feather was born July 12th, 2019 in Denver, Colorado. His father owned a music shop and his mother worked as a teacher at then local elementary school, neither of them were elves. Growing up, Marcus was bullied lot for his pointed ears and tiny frame and it wasn't until the 5th grade talent show that the harassment stopped. Marcus had a talent, a talent for singing. And his parents encouraged him to enter the talent show to show all the other kids how good he was at singing. While shy and nervous at first, he eventually signed up and turns out, he blew everyone away. This jump started his temporary career as a singing sensation in the NAN and indeed the UCAS. He was discovered by a music producer who was watching his niece at the talent show. He immediately offered a 5 year contract to Marcus' parents who of course accepted. Marcus's brief stint as a superstar was...tiring, to say in the least. Constantly performing at concerts, recording songs, interviews and whatnot. It was probably the most hectic 5 years of his life. He recorded 5 albums, an album per year, and performing hundreds of concerts. But, the contract ended, life returned to normal...over the course of 3 or 4 years; and he faded into history. His career as a shadowrunner started in a very abrupt in tragic way. A new gang had rolled into Marcus's neighborhood and they thrived on extortion and repression of markets. Marcus was 19, still living with his parents while he decided what to do with his life. For the past few years he had been working at his Dad's shop and now that he was an adult he worked full time there. A note about Marcus' father: he was as stubborn as they come. And when that gang rolled into his shop, he only had one sentence for them- "The safety is off." Now, they didn't like that one bit, but they couldn't make an example of him yet, not in broad daylight, they didn't have enough influence yet. So they left and came back in the middle of the night and nearly beat his father to death. Now, Marcus didn't like THAT one bit, either. His father was on death's doorstep in the hospital and Marcus didn't know what to do, his mother was a wreck and he had never been this angry before in his life. Marcus' father kept a revolver under the counter in case there was trouble and in his absence, Marcus had decided to take over the store. So when those gangsters came walking in again, Marcus helped them to a face full of lead. Probably not the smartest move, considering his father died that night of "Multiple organ failure". The quickness of all these events was too much for Marcus' mother, who fell ill. Marcus immediately had her moved to a hospital across town. His mother falling ill was the last straw. He locked up the shop that night and took his father's revolver and a shotgun to set things right. It was a bloody night to say in the least. After his rampage, Marcus told his mother that he would be leaving Denver after his father's funeral. To find himself. She understood. He's been running in the shadows ever since. [b]Misc Notes:[/b] N/A