[hider=free][b]name:[/b] Arnok Jensari (goes by the name of Free) [b]race:[/b] human [b]age:[/b] 27 [b]height[/b] 6'1 [b]weight[/b] 185 pounds [b]apparel:[/b] He wears a chainmail shirt over a white tunic. He wears leather pants and all is covered by long white robe with a hood. The trim of this robe is a brilliant and shining gold. The robe provides protection from elemental damage of all kinds but does little in the way of physical protection. On the fingers of his left hand he wears three magical rings. [u]rings[/u] -ring of the wolf: this ring allows him to speak to and command wolves. The ring has the appearance of a sliver band with a sapphire that has a wolf head emblazoned in it. -ring of the king: this ring is gold with an emerald with a lions head emblazoned upon it. The ring grants him unearthly presence and charisma. It also allows him to form a sword from water, the sword has the qualities of a regular longsword. -ring of the raven: a gold ring with a purple gem that has a raven emblazoned on it. This ring boosts his prescience and wisdom. It also allows him to perceive things much faster than a normal man could hope to. [b]weapons:[/b] -staff of the magus: this staff is an indestructible tool used to channel magical energy. Has the appearance of a tall wooden staff with a white crystal affixed to the top. The more magical energy that is gathered the brighter the crystal glows. The staff is used to muster magical energies and in desperation as a melee weapon. -elixir of flame: a flask filled with a liquid that when he charges with magical energy literally becomes liquid fire like lava. He uses it by putting magical energy as a catalyst then throwing it when the flask shatters the lava like liquid is unleashed. unlike the lava the liquid has a low viscosity more resembling water so it can flow freely. He carries two of these. -estus of mutation: a flask containing a potion that is a 50/50 chance of doing what he wants. When this mutagen is charged and contacts something it drastically heightens one attribute while at the same time gives the target an extreme drawback. He only carries one of these flasks. -essence of frost: literally a liquid blizzard. This liquid when charged and thrown will freeze whatever it hits over time making them get colder and colder. it slows their movement proportionately and stops flame based attacks.He carries two flasks of these. -elixir of restoration: a potion of healing that he carries one of. This can be used to heal all minor wounds or one extremely serious wound. Must be drunk directly to have effect and must be charged by his energy first. [b]abilities:[/b] [u]one turn of charging[/u] -fireball: an intense ball of fire is gathered in the hand and launched at the enemy. The fire is hot enough to burn a normal man to the bone upon impact. -transmutation: may change an object into a similar object of different composition -wind shear: wind is launched at the opponent in a long line at high velocity. This wind forms a blade of extreme cutting magnitude and power. This can be used to cut through steel beams. -shadow snare: Can create a whip or claw from a shadow and grab an opponent to throw or choke them with it. There must be a shadow within five feet for him to use this move. -blazing light: He fires an orb of intense light into the sky bathing everything in an extremely bright white light. When the orb is destroyed it forms a small rip in the fabric of space and time that can be used to transport to a similar hole made by another of these orbs. This rip in space goes away after three turns. [u]two turns of charging[/u] -dragons gift: his palm is extended and white flames are shot forth from it. These flames extend twenty feet in front of him and can be moved with his hand. The temperature of these flames is high enough to melt treated stone. -tornado drill: a point is made of rapidly circulating wind around the end of his staff. He can plunge this "drill" into an object and it will bore through with little resistance. He can bore through stone walls with this ability easily. -precision beams: his fingers are extended and beams of hard light are shot forth from them. These beams are manipulated and aimed by moving his fingers and can cut through metal like butter. [u]three turns of charging[/u] -inferno control: He makes a wall of fire and fires it at the opponent. If the attack hits it encircles the target and sets it ablaze from all sides. These fires burn at the same intensity as his dragons gift. -rebelling earth: A line of spikes is formed out of the ground in a line to the target. Each of these spike fires forth from the ground at breakneck speed and remain there after the attack whether it misses or fails. Each spike measures eight feet in length and three feet in width at the base. -wind cleave: An enormous version of wind shear that doubles its cutting power and speed. [u]four turns of charging[/u] -magma direction: A gout of magma is shot from the ground at the opponent. -wind reaper: The most massive version of wind shear he can muster. It triples the cutting power of wind cleave and is twice as fast. -apocalypse preparation: this is not an attack it is a set up for a larger attack. His had is extended with the palm open and pointed at the target where a multicolored ball is formed in the palm. [u]five turns of charging[/u] -apocalypse: his most powerful move, This fires an enormous blast of every elemental type of energy at the target in a beam. The beam is fired in a cone from the ball in his hand and spreads at a 45 degree angle in all forward directions. This attack packs enough raw energy to demolish a castle and hits with all elemental types so there can be no resistance granted to it. It can only be fired the turn after apocalypse preparation was used. When it is fired the ball of energy in his hand turns white and then fires as previously described. -dragon form: He transmutes either himself or an ally into a massive dragon. The color and elemental type of this dragon are determined by him. The target of the spell gains all benefits of being a dragon and wields an enormous greatsword the size of a tree. The dragon can also fire an elemental breath attack of its type. [b]biography:[/b] Since he was five he was trained in the arts of alchemy and sorcery. He holds limitless potential in both and is a star pupil. His teacher is a 300 year old wizard of great stature. Free excels in poisons in alchemy and destruction magic, but can master spells and potions of any kind given enough time. Unless killed he will live forever due to an elixir of immortality that was given to him by his master and even if killed he shall merely be reincarnated with all of his memories intact.[/hider] he carries the longsword on his back and has lost his flasks. Also due to the mansion he cannot use dragon form.