[h2][color=teal]Penny[/color][/h2] Penny walked into the cafe and sat down with him at the table near the window. After he made his comment, she blinked at his generosity and she answered "[color=teal]Oh! OK, thank you![/color]" After the waitress asked her what she would like, she answered, going for something cheap, "[color=teal]I'll have a Cappuccino, thanks,[/color]" She looked to Quill, who seemed to be in his own thoughts until he remembered that she was there. She leaned back a bit as he leaned in and invaded her personal space. She answered somewhat awkwardly "[color=teal]Well, I like to dance and reading mystery novels...[/color]" [h2][color=gray]'Old Man' Pierre Quincey[/color][/h2] For once, the old man left his house, and he wandered through the town, seeming almost lost and confused, and everyone just avoiding him. Soon he came to the cafe and he spotted Quill with a new girl. He ran across the street and shouted suddenly "[color=gray]YAROO![/color]" Penny shouted, startled by the shout and banging on the glass. She looked to the old man holding her hand over her heart again. Two near heart attacks in one day...That was a new record, she thought to herself. The old man waved to Quill and Penny with a wide open grin on his face. Penny looked to Quill and she asked "[color=teal]Uh...D-Do you know him, Quill?[/color]"