Stellan took a minute to look over their commanding officer and decided he liked what he saw. She was clearly experienced and knew what she was doing. Plus she wasn't bad looking either which was always a bonus. Most of his teammates,he, saw were Human with the exception of one. Not that it mattered to him, aliens or humans they still had a sense of humour, usually and he generally got along with either fine. As people began to disperse to prep for their mission. Xan,of all places, he took a moment to check out Akaka. They would most likely be spending a good amount of time together and so he wanted to get an idea of who he would be working with. Though smaller than him, who wasn't?, she still looked like she could handle herself. Plus she was clearly a happy person which Stellan thought would go well with his demeanour. "Looks like you and me." He said with a grin. "Shall we go see what toys they have for us?" He walked out of the room heading for the Shuttle Bay. He hoped she's follow him but he didn't wait to check as he had work to do.