Character name: Darth Tartarus Race: --UNKNOWN-- Gender: Male Alignment: Sith Description: He hides behind his mask. Forever. It is said that he is cursed, that the mask is in fact his skin. And that he feels every wound more than anyone could ever feel anything. But others claim he is Darth Nihilus reborn. A scar upon the Force. His personality is pretty straight forward. He understands that cheer ruthelessness would not inspire much loyality among his sentient followers. He values competence, rewards bravery and teaches the young and the foolish. But his punishments are cruel and harsh. Failure at a most basic task without a sufficient explination may lead to a degradation. But become a traitor, and you will wish for dead to come. Reference: [img] [/img] Home system: Yavin Fleet: - Lukrahulk Droid Control Ship "Immortalis" (6) >> No upgrades or refits - Providence Class Carrier "Yavin's Pride" (3) >> No upgrades or refits - Munificent Frigate "Iridima" (1) >> No upgrades or refits Logs: Start: +10 control points Personal ship: - The Grey Hope - Retrofitted Dynamic-class cruiser [img][/img] Assets: >> Professor Serin Medina. Professor starship engineering at Garos IV.