Mitsue smiled at his older brother, who had spent a couple days, waiting for the new VRMMO, SAO, just so he could have it. “Thank you “He said to his brother, before entering his room and shutting the door. He saw the new blue nerve gear, lying on his black and white bed. He then placed the shiny blue machine on top of his head, and slowly closed his eyes. His heart started racing with excitement and unease and he gave the command to start the game “Link Start! “ The dull light of his room, which had been shining through his closed eyes suddenly, vanished. But just as abruptly, a rainbow of colors flashed before his eyes. The amorphous lights fashioned themselves into the Nerve Gear logo. Eventually some messages appeared, signaling that the process had been complete. He chose his language and signed up for the VRMMO, Sword Art Online. Mitsue paused as it asked him for a username; he decided to put his real name in, finding no harm in doing so. Now that the signing in was over, he saw the logo for the game in black and white. It immediately changed to flashing blue and purple lights, rushing down the screen. Mitsue glanced down at his avatar, once in the game. “ Great “ He said with a smirk and started looked around the spawn for other new players like him.