Theo was waiting, saving his strength for more insects, but nothing came. They seemed to be dispersing around him. As he looked around, he realized that they were all dispersing, all buzzing away in random directions. His other companions finished off some stragglers, and then the plains became oppressively quiet, a steady hum of silence in his ears. Someone was shouting nearby, and the Sundancer turned to see the dragon, cautiously fending off a girl with a club. [i]Shit,[/i] he thought. [i]I guess someone doesn't trust it.[/i] Something in his peripheral vision caused him to turn his head, even as he advanced toward the conflict. An orange glow rose from the horizon, burning the stars away, adding a new level of color to the gradient on the grass. Theo held a hand up, feeling the warmth of the sunrise, waiting in anticipation for his powers as a Sundancer to finally activate. It was strange, they way the sun didn't paint the sky blue. It remained a black void, though Theo figured the atmosphere would be different here, if they really were on the moon, in a different world. Even as the orange glow reached him, Theo didn't feel any different. "Hey," he said to his orb. "Are my abilities active yet?" "[color=fff79a]Theo,[/color]" the orb said, her voice alarmingly fervent. "[color=fff79a]That's not the sun![/color]" He saw it, then, a streak of fire, smoldering in the grass as it flew towards the group, impossibly fast. It was a blur of flame accompanied by rhythmic drumming, the sound of hooves like a rapidly beating heart. The orange glow reflected on Theo's breastplate, then, and he could do nothing as the beast was upon him. Whatever it was, it hit him like a truck that was two stories tall. The massive, burning frame collided with him, and Theo's world spun. He was in the air, watching the moons dance around him, and even then feeling the lick of flame on his cheeks, singeing his hair and clothes. When he finally hit the ground, everything went dark for a moment, and he struggled desperately to breathe. Somehow, he knew his HP had been effectively cut in half, a massive blow that his body would not be able to weather again. His sight was a blur, tears stinging his eyes. He tried twice to get his feet under him before settling on his knees, holding his shoulder, gasping for air. He had seldom felt anything like it before, and suddenly any will to fight had left him. Finally catching his breath, he looked up. The beast stood before the group, regarding them with burning eyes. [center][color=ed1c24][h1][b]!WARNING![/b][/h1][/color] [IMG][/IMG] [h3]YȪHEVONEN - DEMON HORSE OF THE PLAINS[/h3][/center] Suddenly it reared, an unnatural scream piercing the night. Flames burst from its body, covering it like armor. Theo stood. His sword had somehow managed to stay in his hand, and he gripped it tight. His mind was numb. He did not know why he was fighting, or how to kill the thing that had nearly killed him, but he advanced towards it anyway. The demon slammed its hooves down then charged again, directly into the crowd of warriors.