[center][color=ff6600][b]"Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space."[/b] --[i]Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy[/i][/color][/center] [hr] [b][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86948-search-for-the-multiverse-sandbox-mega-crossover/ooc]The OOC is up!!![/url][/center][/b] Here's the CS for you to use! [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Universe[/b]: [u]The universe or franchise your character came from.[/u] [b]Canon or OC[/b]: [u]Simply list whether your character has been taken directly from canon or if you made them yourself.[/u] [b]Appearance[/b]: [u]Images are preferred, but text descriptions are acceptable.[/u] [b]Age[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Abilities[/b]: [u]List your character's natural skills, learned spells, and other powers.[/u] [b]Equipment[/b]: [u]List your character's weapon(s), armor, and other bits of gear.[/u] [b]Faction[/b]: [u]If you are not part of a faction, feel free to put "Factionless"[/u] [b]Background[/b]: [u]Include a [i]brief[/i] synopsis of your character's canon background, how they figured out how to escape into the multiverse, and how they came to be affiliated with their faction of choice.[/u] [/hider] I also made a faction skeleton for those of you who want to go freelance! [hider=Faction Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Motives[/b]: [u]List what drives this faction to do whatever it is they do.[/u] [b]Base[/b]: [u]List what universe this faction is a part of, and a brief description of what their main base looks like.[/u] [b]Notable Members[/b]: [/hider] [hr] Search For The Multiverse is a semi-serious crossover RP based around three massive factions (plus a lot of smaller ones) competing against one another to control the multiverse. I'll play the part of the world around you and a number of NPCs. If you so choose, you can play as both a major player character and any NPCs you want. For the most part, I won't push a storyline, but the RP does have a major objective. The story is driven by [i][b]you[/b][/i]! [center][h1][color=pink][b]The Background[/b][/color][/h1][/center] The multiverse. Composed of an infinite amount of infinitely-large spaces known as 'universes', even the logically impossible is within the realm of reason. Stacked like tins of sardines, the barrier between each universe and its neighbor was thin as gossamer but stronger than any material known to man. For billions of years, contact between universes was strictly theoretical-- that is, until the multiverse rather suddenly opened itself up. This event is known as The Unveiling. [hider=Footnote: What happened?][i]The Unveiling all hinges on one specific event: the invention of the Stepper Box. Someone in a single universe invented a simple device that allowed almost anyone with it to travel linearly through a procession alternate realities. Then, someone invented a device that also allowed [i]lateral[/i] travel, between [i]universes[/i]. Like a spark in a vat of petroleum, knowledge of the Stepper Box and how to create it spread throughout reality, a wave of inspiration with no tangible initiator. The Stepper Box was made common knowledge to all intelligent life, and the barrier between universes melted away. The Stepper Box is extremely simple; anyone can make and use one! All you need is a lever, something to hold it, and the knowledge of what a Stepper Box is and which universe you're going to go to. Flip the switch, think [b]really[/b] hard, and off you go![/i][/hider] [hr] [hr] [center][b][h1]The Players[/h1][/b][/center] Three major factions formed in the aftermath of The Unveiling, each based entirely around how they choose to interact with the multiverse. You can feel free to make your own! [center][h3][b][color=lightblue]The Dunkelzahn Institute[/color][/b][/h3][/center] An organization centered largely around peaceful observation and manipulation, agents of the Dunkelzahn Institute spend most of their time in primitive societies, happily guiding them to a better future. Once they have developed the necessary culture and technology to survive in the wild blue yonder of the greater Multiverse. Once this point is reached, the Institute reveals itself to them, and warmly welcomes them into their extensive empire. Agents of the Institute are notorious for their exceptional adaptability. [hr] [center][h3][b][color=lightgreen]The Sentient Milieu[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Unlike the Institute, the Sentient Milieu has no qualms about revealing themselves to other universes. Instead, the Sentient Milieu firmly believes that the path to true happiness lies in taking and propagating any useful resources and technologies as soon as they're found. The Milieu will gladly share what they've found-- for the right price. Agents of the Sentient Milieu are notorious for their nigh-on inexhaustible resources. [hr] [center][h3][b][color=gold]The Order of Imacculate Reality[/color][/b][/h3][/center] A bizarre cross between The Institute's protectiveness and The Milieu's refusal to hide themselves, The Order is dedicated to ensuring the sanctity of each universe's narrative. It is well known to all multiversal travelers that other universes are clearly represented through works of "fiction". The Order believes that what is depicted in these works is what every universe it depicts [i]should[/i] be. To The Order, 'canon' is the ultimate state of being, and anything that deviates from it (be they outside forces or the effects alternate realities) must be carefully excised. The Order is both the most militant and the most helpful of all factions, and happily consider themselves to be the custodians of all causality. Agents of The Order are notorious for their extensive knowledge of the universe they are working in. [hr] [hr] [center][h1][b]The Plot[/b][/h1][/center] The ultimate goal of all these factions is to find and reach the single most valuable treasure in the multiverse: The Set Of All Sets. In an infinitely long procession of random variables, anything is possible. A universe comprised entirely of hydrogen is astronomically unlikely, but in the Set Of All Sets, it is practically guaranteed. The Set Of All Sets is the commonly-accepted name amongst multiversal travelers for a theoretical cluster of universes, each one made entirely out of a single object. Hydrogen, Gold, Ununpentium, Water, Steel, Promethium, even [i]abstract concepts[/i] could be found in literally infinite amounts, waiting to be harvested. Control over even one of these universes would afford the faction controlling it unlimited power, and control over [i]all[/i] of them would be greater still. Perhaps there's something even more valuable at the center of the Set Of All Sets... perhaps it's the center of the multiverse, the key to controlling all reality. Despite clear evidence to the existence of the Set Of All Sets, no one has ever managed to breach the intense barrier protecting it. It appears that the Set Of All Sets is protected by, as luck would have it, a sheer wall of universes comprised of nothing but [i]antimatter[/i]. Even a split second of exposure to one of these universes would spell doom for any would-be explorers and their home base, planet, and solar system. For this exact reason, any attempts to breach the Set Of All Sets are treated as capital offenses, and only done in [i]extremely special[/i] circumstances. There [i]is[/i] a way to bypass the antimatter barrier, but it will take significant effort. Anyone interested in reaching the center of the Set Of All Sets will need a vessel equipped with barriers strong enough to block all foreign matter that the subatomic level, a transportation method strong enough to mimic a Stepper Box twice over, and an onboard intelligence smart enough to navigate through expanses of solid matter packed atom-to-atom. Though The Institute, The Milieu, and The Order are interested in their own battles, they are each feverishly pursuing a way to breach the Set Of All Sets. The race to the core of the Set Of All Sets is about to begin. [hr] [hr] [center][b][h1]Too Long, Didn't Read?[/h1][/b][/center] [list] [*]The multiverse is friggin' huge, and the only way to travel between universes is via small, simple gewgaws known as Stepper Boxes. [*]At the supposed center of the multiverse is a cluster of universes made of nothing but one type of matter. At the center of [i]that[/i] may be the key to controlling all of reality. [*]There are three factions. One likes to subtly guide people into the multiverse, one likes to improve the lives of everyone within their control, and one seeks to preserve the original, ideal state of each universe.[/list] [hr][hr]