[center][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/e20c/f/2008/054/b/9/tavern_for_descent_by_feliciacano.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Utilities/Food] “So I've joined up with The Bleeding Hearts. They've got me doing a ton of surveillance one some of the other gangs. Seems the balance of power is a bit more tense than I first thought. Well, at least I've got some spending money. Not enough for the brothel yet, but I'm eating regularly at the hall – pretty good food actually – and the Full Moon tavern serves up a fine enough lager. There's got to be wizards around somewhere, because a few of the skeevy little merchants that scuttle underfoot are selling some legitimate magical items. I've got my eye on this cloak that helps me blend into the shadows. Definitely don't want to get caught with my spying, especially by those pale freaks with the fangs in The Bloodline. Something not right about them. Anyway, I found out where the food they serve is coming from. I was failing to impress one of the girls that works in Fairy Tale – the brothel – when I saw a group of people heading into the forest. I tailed them, only to find that they're poachers! They led me to this grove where I heard them talking to somebody... well something. Almost like the voice of the trees, the wind, nature itself. Whatever it was, it told these lads that the circle? was intact and the summoning? would continue. Bizarre. Long story short, I wasn't caught and they returned to the castle with a bear, two rabbits, and a score of decent sized birds.” Jeko “The Knife” Personal Journal 1530 Post Sundering [/hider] [hider=Gangs] “There's definitely something happening around the castle. [b]The Bleeding Hearts[/b] have been the top dogs for awhile, but I'm not sure if that is going to last long. We still have the majority of the Hunters – guys who go out... where? I'm not sure where they go, but they come back with a lot of things from women to food to alcohol to gold. For some reason the Hunters have been chosen to actually leave this place – I'm still looking, still no luck – and the best ones are all in the Hearts, our boss Mordrag Desertheart definitely not least among them. [b]The Crowned Killers[/b] are insane, but predictable. They love bloodshed, but there's no ambition there. I'm fairly certain that everyone in [b]The Bloodline[/b] are vampires now. Incredibly creepy. That would explain their arrogance though. Those lot are always proud of their breeding. [b]The Bulls[/b] would be a problem if their three leaders weren't so incompetent. The muscle of ten ogres between them but I'd say they add up to less than one brain. [b]The Cast Away Creed[/b] is a threat. They have really been gaining positions in the Hunters and in all of the other important circles around the castle. They used to only have this massive man, Arrow, in the group, but now they have six or seven positions. The Creed is odd, they have this strong sense of honor and justice on the surface, but I think they're really the same as us. They won't admit to any espionage, but I know I've noticed some of their scrubs tailing me when word gets out that I have a new target. There's a struggle coming, I'm sure of it. I've just got to make sure that the winners are Mordrag and the boys, the ones who are going to keep me around afterwards.” Jeko “The Knife” Personal Journal 1531 Post Sundering [/hider] [hider=Portals] “Things are still tense, but nothing's happened yet. Mordrag never told me, but I've definitely been promoted to assassin. They have me doing a hit every other week, and it pays infinitely better than anything I could have made just spying. I have a lot more free time now, so I still sneak around and look in on people, but only for my own knowledge. Boy has that knowledge been interesting. I was on the thirtieth floor, snooping around some old crates, when I felt something not unlike the feeling I got in the forest when I was following those poachers. I was on my guard, but completely unprepared for the funny little dwarf I found fiddling about behind one hallway door. He was over some sort of magical apparatus, looking like he was working some sort of scale or balancing some sort of tool. Well apparently he has been the one working with the hunters. That magical... whatever it is... opens up special sorts of doors that take the Hunters to different lands where they do what they do best. Hunt. Whatever the castle needs, the Hunters... acquire... Is the castle turning into a bit of a sausage feast? Bring in a crop of elf or human women to balance things out. Too little money? Coins. Too little money? Some top class goods for people to spend money on. Its no wonder that the Hearts have been so successful over the years. They've got the largest say in the distribution of anything we bring back. I know I have to get myself into that group.” Jeko “The Knife” Personal Journal 1531 Post Sundering [/hider] Rogue's Castle will be High Fantasy, you can be any race or anything that you like, the only stipulation is that you fit in with the overall theme and time period (medievalish). The Rogue's Castle is a place for the people that society usually frowns upon. Thieves, thugs, mercenaries, vampires, or any other sort of monster should be able to feel at home here. There are no laws in our little castle, just an overall division of power that mainly keeps things under wraps. So this will be a Sandbox sort of Roleplay. I do have an overall plot (a few actually), but the story can go any way you want. We don't have to do everything as a group, so everyone will be able to post as often as they like. The main roleplay will take place withing the castle and its surrounding grounds, but the portals can take you anywhere, so go ahead and be creative. I have a bit of the castle developed, but feel free to add whatever you think is lacking. It's a huge complex, so no need to feel constricted! [hider=Rules] Everything as usual, just don't be a jerk Technology level is like the middle ages. Primitive gunpowder maybe, but guns are definitely not common Don't get to spicy – if you and another player want, you can take it to PMs [/hider]