Alvin listened intently to the proposed plan. The biggest issue he could see with Marwood's plan was the prince being the bait. But if it's what Marwwod wanted to do..... "Why don't you stay here Arathyra, help the people here. Anyone wounded in the field can be brought back." He answered his healer gently. Nobody else seemed to step up to answer her. Now, the biggest question facing Alvin, would he help as well? He wanted to help his people true, but on the other hand it was only a matter of time until Sion found him. Time that was running short. Was it worth the risk? The world for these few people? These few, precious Gradians who felt abandoned by their government? With that thought the young prince made up his mind. "I'll help as well, my people need this. And the first responsibility of a monarch is to his people." Alvin declared, facing Archibald dead on, daring the bandit to challenge the pure and unwavering passion that was clear in the price's emerald eyes. His fists clenched and his mind began preparing for the verbal abuse that was sure to come.