[color=aqua]"Goodie, a target rich environment."[/color] Kain breathed while slapped his thigh and extended his staff with a flick of his wrist.[color=aqua]"Just my style,"[/color] Then with a sweep of his staff he shouted, [color=aqua]"Furyoku!"[/color] and began to launch Reds back into the building, using gale force winds to slam them back into the building. Audible snapping sounds came along with several of the impacts, indicating broken bones. One vamp in particular had a particular bout of bad luck, spinning wildly back through a lower window with a crash, and shards of broken glass ripping open his throat and stomach, causing the unfortunate vamp to thrash about on the floor while his blood reservoir emptied out around him. Not all the vamps had be delayed by his spell however and Kain drew his warden sword, a whip thin rapier, and he gave the vamps a mock salute and assumed his stance, grinning at them. [color=aqua]"This should get interesting, any volunteers?"[/color]