[Hider=Work in Progress] [Center] [h2][Colour=Cadetblue]N O R C O K H A N[/Colour][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFHYQihGMk0&ab_channel=TrailerMusicWorldI]Theme Song[/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LMKyAKO.png[/img] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dc57/f/2014/249/2/2/divider_550x30_by_daniyalisatya-d7y8210.png[/img] [Colour=Cadetblue]T I T L E S[/Colour] [colour=Silver]Wolf in the Mountain[/colour][Colour=dimgray] | [/Colour][colour=Silver]Deaths Bane[/colour][Colour=dimgray] | [/Colour][colour=Silver]The White-eyed Wolf[/Colour] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dc57/f/2014/249/2/2/divider_550x30_by_daniyalisatya-d7y8210.png[/img] [Colour=Cadetblue]A P E A R A N C E[/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Silver][I]Due to the lack of artistry in Norcos time, there are very few sources that can correctly gauge his aesthetic. It is true that he is taller than most men, standing at six-foot-six, but he does not tower over rooftops as is sometimes claimed. It is difficult to discern whether or not Norco is ugly or not, as his ragged black beard, stained white in places, hangs over his mouth and chin like a chain-mail mask. His eyes are not quite the pure white that is depicted in the tales, they are in fact a very light shade of grey and whilst he does indeed have pupils, his stare is no less forgiving. Cheek bones sit high as his whitened rough skin darkens ever so slightly in the crevices of his wide, burly nose. His attire in the books and fables has forever been an example of his barbarism. Scantily clad across his broad chest they like to infer that his skin is armour enough. The truth is that during his time, Norco wore many furs and pelts of animals that he had hunted personally. A bears head sits on his shoulders, halved down the center of its head and turned forward to match his gaze, they act like brutal pauldrons. Cloths and leathers cover his sturdy legs and arms leaving only his hands and head uncovered.[/I][/Colour] [Center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dc57/f/2014/249/2/2/divider_550x30_by_daniyalisatya-d7y8210.png[/img] [Colour=Cadetblue]A B I L I T I E S & W A R G E A R[/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Silver][I]Norco is known as a warrior king and one of the deadliest to ever live, a swing of his axe can cleave multiple men in twain as he carves his way through a battlefield. Whilst he is not the most skilled warrior his disregard for his own safety makes him insurmountable, wounds and injuries have been seen to heal in hours rather than days. A blessing of endurance, no doubt from his father. Norco is also known to have a particular affinity for the cold. Having been raised in such circumstances it is hardly surprising. The battles that he personally fought in the frozen east have become legendary in their own right, he glides across the ground with an unnatural ease with a close mist that shields him from onlookers. It is said that in the snow-covered east, Norco commands winter as his ally. [B][U]Banemaw[/U][/B] - The Axe Norco wields is known by this name. Said to be forged in the blood of a great wolf and sharpened upon it's teeth, its blade is said to cause wounds that may never heal, demanding the death of any who feel it's bite.[/i][/colour] [Center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dc57/f/2014/249/2/2/divider_550x30_by_daniyalisatya-d7y8210.png[/img] [Colour=Cadetblue]M Y T H O L O G Y[/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Silver][I]In the frozen wastelands to the East, the legend of Norco Khan still lives. Tales tell us of a man so huge that he could not feel the pain of arrow tips, that he could crush a mans skull with his bare hands. That his very step could imprint onto rock. The stories begin with an expedition through a cold mountain pass. The Kulgan, a clan of barbarians that lived near the foot of the mountain, traversed this path each year to reach the bountiful forest on its other side. It was in the thirty-second year of Chieftain Kosk that those foragers returned with more than roots and berries. A boy was found, in the mountain pass, a boy wrapped in grey cloth to protect him from the biting cold. His cries echoed throughout the mountain passes, leading the expedition to him. As the only woman of the group picked him from the only snow-less rock, she noticed his eyes. A pure white. No iris, no pupil. It was like staring into perfect pearls. This child was a gift from the gods, so the group had decided. A boy purposefully placed in their path so as to live a normal life, but he would grow to be anything but normal. The legend goes that this boy was taken in by the barbarians at the foot of the misty mountain. He grew, and grew quickly. By the time he was fifteen he could easily match any man in the clan for size, the others were in awe of him despite their mundane relation. At times he would achieve feats that left them speechless, stories of him fighting a colossal dire wolf single-handedly gained him the name of Wolf of the Mountain. It wasn't until his early twenties that Norco began to wonder of his origins. He had been told the story of the baby in the mountain pass many times before yet if left questions unanswered. That winter Norco left the clan in search of those answers, he headed for the mountain pass that saw his emergence almost a suicidal pilgrimage in the dead of winter. A year passed and the Kulgan heard nothing of their infamous son. Another winter, the one after that. It took five long years for the Wolf to return to the foot of the mountain, to the people that had raised him as their own. He was different. People gathered at the villages edge to watch the Goliath stride towards their homes. A man unlike any every before seen, a man with pure white eyes. The woman whom had lifted him from that rock nearly two decades ago fell to her knees as she recognized the man she knew as a son. His gaze pierced her with air of pure might, he took a knee himself, shaking the ground under his weight. His face softened for the slightest of moments as he took her hand. The words he spoke in that moment have been heard throughout the land since, [B]"The Wolf returns"[/B]. Since that day it has been said that to travel to the east, to the frozen mountains is to walk into the jaws of a wolf. Norco Khan became one of the most legendary warriors as he single handedly dragged the small village of barbarians that he once knew to the heights of a world power. They spread throughout the east in startling fashion, crushing anything that stood in their way. With Norco as their leader, the Kulgan were an invincible people. Word spread of a warrior so mighty that to kill him would only affirm your own end spread throughout the world. A warrior so imposing that he could shun death itself. Sadly everything must come to an end, and try as he might Norco could not defeat the adversary of time. His hair grew white, his face wrinkled. Deaths Bane, as he would come to be known in the stories, was laid to rest in the very place he began his journey, the mountain pass above his village. Some say his tomb is still there, a pile of stone sealed together, immovable as if to match his own legend. Alas it has never been found. Many years later the bards of more civilized nations would sing of his journey into the mountain, the five long years spent in the numbed pass the Kulgan still travel. It was rumored that atop that mountain, Norco questioned the very gods. Bellowing his frustration towards the heavens a single bolt of lightning struck the ground meters from him. A dire wolf, larger than any living beast approached Norco from that point. It did not bear it's teeth, it did not advance with aggression. It simply sat, in front of the knelt Khan. He did not know it, but that beast was a god. The father or Norco Khan had come to stare his descendant in the eye. His survival in the mountain had proved his worth and he was accepted by his parent. Looking to the skies Norco was confronted by a strange alignment of stars, in the shape of Ansus a cloud drifted across it, a cloud in the shape of a wolfs head. Norco Khan, the King of the Frozen east, was to become the mightiest warrior the world had ever seen. It was a title that he undeniably lived up to. The Kulgan, under new leadership managed to continue their reign for a few years. However without the Wolf of the Mountain, they could not resist the many empires that rose in defiance to their rule. Year after year the Kulgan lands shrank, retreating back the cold, bitter wastelands of the east. Today there is still a town at the foot of the misty mountain. They no longer call themselves Kulgan, but their blood is linked. They all await for the White-eyed Wolf to descend the mountain once more, to lead once more.[/I][/Colour] [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dc57/f/2014/249/2/2/divider_550x30_by_daniyalisatya-d7y8210.png[/img] [Colour=Silver][I]"The wolf is near, His howl can be heard, The wolf is near, From slumber, he is stirred." [/I][/colour] [/center] [/Hider]