Octavius woke up at some point during the night when his body decided he was too cold to keep sleeping half-dressed on top of his bed. A good deal more sober than when he'd first passed out, the captain got up, tossed his clothes off the bed, and finished undressing. Then he peeled the blankets back and snuggled himself into the bed properly, curling up and happily passing out once more. He stayed that way until the morning light came streaming through the window right into his eyes. He tried rolling over, but at that point, the pain in his head was too much, and he wouldn't be going back to sleep. The captain groaned and squinted hard as he attempted to get up and get dressed. It took some work, but he did eventually manage to put himself together, at which point the warlord decided he needed a whole lot of water and several bacon and egg sandwiches. The thing between him and a cure for his hangover, however, was the stairs. The pirate wasn't going to be stopped at this point, though. He decided that in the worst case scenario, he would just fall down in the stairs, in which case he would just be at the bar faster. So without stopping to try and think any harder, he left his room and moved about as fast as he could manage to the common room, where he could get himself the things he needed to feel better sooner, rather than later. Of course, lucky for him, when he got there, Octavius discovered that no one was around. That wasn't about to stop Captain Cuttlam, however, and he headed for the kitchen. Of course, he stepped inside just as the cook started clanging pots together, sending him recoiling in pain back into the common room. His pained groan did catch someone's attention however, and after a moment a woman appeared behind the bar. She had a look on her face that said she knew what he needed. "Water... Three bacon and egg sandwiches... Quietly please..." the man whispered, and the barmaid smiled only a little condescendingly, before disappearing again. His water showed up a moment later, a whole pitcher full along with a glass that he ignored. The food was going to take a little longer, but he could wait a little longer now that he at least had some water. With his eyes screwed shut, it was almost tolerable, so he stayed that way unless something around him sounded like it was moving...