-Full Name: Eli Matthews -Age: 85 -Gender: Male -Rebirth: Yes -Rank / Assignment: Sergent -Call-sign: Underdog -Personality: Eli is nice, funny, he sometimes holds a grudge depending on how bad the thing was that you did and wether your actually sorry or not. he's rather frank and not one to give up easy. He doesn't show his emotions much even to those who are the closest to him except his sister. He feels that showing emotion is a weakness for a man and that he has to hide them. He has been hardened by years of battle but still trys to keep a smile on his face. He is always the first one to try and brighten the mood and most consider him to be happy-go-lucky and optomistic. He has always been a bit of a flirt and he likes to have you think that hes a player but if he finds a girl he likes he sticks to her. He is very loyal to his freinds and likes to help out with odd jobs and what-not. He gets especially retarded when he's around his sister. He is loyal to her before anything else. He would spend eternity in hell for her, and he thinks she can't take care of herself and needs him to protect her. For the most part, he's a pretty laid-back guy but there are some things that just cross the line that he will not do. He has always hated conflict but he will thought if he has to. He loves to tinker with things and him and his sister share a love of mechanics. He adores children and when he's off duty he normally goes and visits a orphanage near the Shantie base. He has a very kind heart and though he has a temper he doesn't take out his anger on others. -History: Eli was with his three brothers when the attack came on their house and he barely got out alive. The other three had been knocked unconscious and had died in the fire. After he got out he found his little sister Raina and they took care of eachother. Eli had just turned 18 so they weren't sent to foster homes. Instead, he was given custody of his sister, though it seemed that she took care of him more then he took care of her. After Raina joined the army, Eli quickly followed to try and keep her safe though as fate would have it, they recieved diffrent assignments. Eli joined the rebirth program a little before his sister did. they are two of the few siblings on the rebirth project. They ran into eachother several times between assignments and it had always been happy reunions. Currently, they haven't seen each other in almost 10 years. After Eli joined the rebirth program he was a hard fighter for many years. While he was on leave, he fell in love with a girl on keantish and they got married and were very happy. They had three children, a home, and enough money to get by. Then the U.K.D ruined his life for a second time. they attacked keantish, killing his family. He had been devestated after this and had thought of killing himself but knew it would be pointless since he would just wake up in a new body. -Skills: Expert pilot, hand to hand combat, tech. -Weakness: He is very overprotective of his sister and its will sometimes get in the way of his work. -Romantic Relationship: Never really had another girl friend after his family died -Other: is Raina's older brother -Appearance: Eli has dark brown hair and shares his sisters blue eyes though his are several shades lighter. He stands at 6''5 and has good muscle tone. He is almost never clean-shaven which is where his sister got the nick-name "Scruffy" from. -Picture: [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/ng96hc.jpg[/IMG] Their tattoo: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/30v2f00.jpg[/IMG]