[h2]Kino[/h2] "Uwah..." Kino stood in bewildered silence. "..." Hermes did as well. Certainly, neither were unused to unusual sights. The dark-haired girl had already awakened, cleaned, and dressed herself, and had been practicing drawing her guns when the world suddenly changed entirely, transforming into something not only entirely different but wholly inexplicable. To put it simply, it was a world of food. Not just food sitting out on plates, the landscape itself was composed of food. Plants sprouting food, and in the distance she could see commotion of wild beasts... made of food. There were even butterflies made of food. Hermes seemed to be confused into silence for a few moments. Holstering the Cannon, for the moment, she quietly approached a nearby bush. It was sprouting not leaves, but what appeared to be biscotti if Kino was correct. Grabbing one, she plucked it from the bush. Raising it to her lips, the girl took a small bite. "... It's real!" she exclaimed. It was a surprise to the traveler, who had naturally assumed you couldn't just grow food on trees. Well... you could, but not like this. "... Is this what humans mean when they talk about growing food?" asked Hermes, behind her. "They don't mean like this, Hermes," replied Kino. She paused for a moment and took another small bite of biscotti. Not only was it real, but it was quite impressive in terms of flavor... "... At least, not in our world." [hr] [h2]Sakura Kyouko[/h2] Eh, there wasn't any real reason not to show off in this entrance. Sure, it wasn't anything serious at the moment, but those two weren't expecting it. Placing her pocky in her mouth, the redheaded magical girl lept down... and suddenly the ground appeared below her far, far faster and greener than it should have. Hitting at an awkward angle, the girl lost her balance. She attempted to drive the point of her spear into the ground in a bid to catch herself, but it was too little, too late. Kyouko hit the ground face-first. It didn't hurt, it's not like that kind of thing was a problem for her. But it did snap her pocky in two and cause her to lose it entirely. Quickly, the redheaded girl pushed herself off the ground, leaping to her feet and swinging her spear up and at the ready, anger playing clearly on her face. "Okay, who the he-..." She trailed off when her eyes fell upon the world around her. This... was certainly not the alleyway she had been descending into. It wasn't even in Mitakihara. She didn't know what it was. It definitely wasn't anything she was familiar with, but what the hell could explain this?! ... And yet, at the same time, there was this... mass amount of food. She could smell it, she could practically taste it on the air. And it was just growing everywhere! Kyouko could barely believe her eyes. Her mouth hung open, exposing a fang and a little bit of drool. For the moment, her anger had subsided, and her love of food had taken position front and center. For now, at least. A butterfly drew close. Only it wasn't a butterfly, because Kyouko was completely certain that those wings were potato chips. Her hand snapped out to grasp the creature and pull it closer. In a few seconds she had crushed its body and pulled the wings free, holding all four chips in her hand. She planted the head of her spear in the ground for a moment and popped one of them in her mouth. "... It... it really [i]is[/i] potato chips!" she exclaimed, in wonder, "... What kinda place is this?!"