When the company had first caught sight of the undead, the fear was nearly palpable. What they faced before them was no less than a horde. Sarah was certain that they would be given orders to hide or run. “There are too many!” She heard Chester say. Sarah was distracted by the terrible shrieking coming from ahead of them. She wished the leaders would keep their voices down. Instead Lady Buxton was shouting orders at the Consano. A few moments later, the company began moving toward the wall! The healer was so startled by their sudden direction, that she found herself asking those around what was happening. No one seemed to notice however, and instead swords were being drawn and shields brought to arm. The young woman kept a reluctant pace with the company and soon found herself trailing behind the group. She strongly considered breaking off to find a place to hide. Anger and panic welled up inside of her as Sarah remembered how Chester had agreed that she not be involved in battle. Had he forgotten her limitations? The healer glanced behind her for a moment and realized that the undead were not just before the Consano, but also around it. Too late to turn back. With that realization, Sarah whispered a prayer to the God of Light, and raced to catch up with her companions. She reached them just as they approached the first wave of infected. Sarah pressed her way into the middle of the pack, making certain that she was never on the outside of the group. Snarls and screams, as well as the slashing of black blood was rampant. The young woman did not care to see where it came from, she focused only on reaching the other side. As the fighters broke off and spread out, Sarah was confronted by the large wooden wall which Gwen was already scaling. Sarah drew her long knife and backed against the fort while she waited. Before long, a rope was lowered and Sarah climbed with impatient assistance from men above and below her. Reaching the top, Sarah rolled over the railing and tumbled to the ground. As more of the group reached relative safety, Sarah rose to her feet and clutched the banister. Down below, Zacharias, Buxton and Chester continued to battle the putrid creatures. “They’re still down there!” She shouted at no one in particular, her panic rising. She despised her own uselessness, wishing she had instead devoted her life to archery. After several excruciating moments, all had ascended except Chester. The knight fought furiously, surrounded on three sides. “Stand Back!” A scorching blast of fire illuminated the air. Sarah jumped in fright. The undead near Chester squealed and writhed in pain as their flesh burned. The healer helped the others hoist their leader up the wall. Though the Knight was finally safe, his face was hard, dangerous, and focused on the hooded man who had traveled with them. Lady Buxton ordered Sarah and the others to follow Chester to the gate. The idea was to fight off the undead should they press past the barricade. Though she followed, Sarah had her mind set on finding a defensible position for herself. What use these pagan soldiers thought she was going to be in this fight was beyond Sarah.