[hider=Henryk] Name: Henryk Gaskiyon Age: 257 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/Djura%20Concept%20Art.jpg/546428016/320x694/Djura%20Concept%20Art.jpg[/img] Creature: Human (turned Lycan) Type of Hunter: Hunter of Hunters/Lycans How long have you been hunting/afflicted: Hunting for 234 Years. took Lycan blood 212 years ago. Background: [hider=Backround] Henryk was one of the Hunters that watched over a somewhat sizable town in Poland, he and his fellows particularly hunted the Lycans as The town had two "sects" of hunters, one hunting Lycans and one hunting Vampires, Henryk was a member of the former. The town was settled in an largly isolated valley in the Carpathian mountains, Lycan packs frequently preyed upon the town for this reason and used the mountains for their dens. Henryk was born is this town which is why he joined the Lycan Hunter sect, though at the time they were more of a guard order than hunters. It was the church in the town that first formed hunters there, using the town as a base of operation after it was suspected that a few vampires had made lairs in the mountains. though the church was infiltrated by some vampires posing as ministers and priests, whatever they did turned the Vampire Hunters against the town. They had slaughtered everyone and burned it to the ground, the only reason Henryk and five others survived is they had been sent to clear out a Lycan den that was to close to the town for comfort. When they returned to find what had happened they were enraged, blaming the church for it's failure. They donned ash grey attire to symbolize their burnt town and went to recapture the Lycan they had driven out. They forced it to change them, willingly accepting the beasthood for the strength to get their vengeance. They joined the Hunt themselves, chasing down every other hunter and vampire involved in the burning of their town. when it was done, when they had killed the last corrupt hunter they parted ways, Hunting those that betrayed the hunt. [/hider] Reason for Joining: originally it was to protect his town, then vengeance, and now to destroy corrupt hunters Arrived: Arrived around 3-4 days ago, he simply showed up out of seemingly nowhere [/hider]