[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/aegiii_zpskydzrgam.jpg[/img][/center] [color=d93246][b]King Aegon[/b], the Third of His Name of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. [b]12 Years of Age[/b] Head of the Royal House of Targaryen[/color] Prince Aegon's was a happy childhood in the early days. His mother always near, his older brothers active and kind, island of Dragonstone a place he had always found fascinating. He was ever fond of lemon cakes, and fresh fruits, sweet wines and ciders. He loved singers and minstrels and mummer shows. Aegon has always loved sailing. It was a wonderful portion of his life, and a place to which Aegon can escape to in his thoughts and imagination when things always get too bad, too deafening for him. That happiness ended when the Dance of Dragons began. Instead of a great, glorious, affair all Aegon saw during this time was his family slowly bleed itself to near extinction. That so much falls upon his young shoulders was a dread that doubled with each death of his family. His mother became a twisted, fanatical, shadow of her formal self. Bannerman faultered, advisors lied, spies double-crossed, men deserted; young Aegon had thought to himself that he had seen nearly everything. All of it was bearable so long as he had the anchor of his mother. When Aegon witnessed his mother eaten by a dragon before his very eyes, he lost more than just an anchor. He lost childhood, and gained fear and anxiety. Where many might have became paranoid and erratic, young Aegon was said to appear resigned and reserved--like a boy used to betrayals and murder in every day life during the Dance. But in hardening his world view and outward expression, Aegon disconnected with the world. That only got worse the moment Aegon was grabbed up by the Kinsguard and thrown into a dungeon. Aegon was left to the darkness and the rats. Left to the echoes of agony and madness for hour upon endless hour. Himself half starved and left to rot, until he was pulled out from living death and returned to the sun. Aegon was glad someone had murdered his uncle because that was the man that tossed him away into that dungeon nightmare; let alone what was done to his mother. But within his own heart there had never been a desire to punish, only to move on...with one exception. And that is a score that Aegon is determined to settle in the long term. Thus far Aegon has given a strong performance as boy king; he has yet to be cut by the Iron Throne and holds a decent command of a room for a twelve year old. Of his remaining family Aegon seems close to only the infectious twin sisters Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, though he hadn't met many others, and the protective older girls are the closest things he currently has to friends and family. When talk of marriage comes up, Baela and Rhaena are often considered the frontrunners.