Echo sat there quietly awaiting their arrival at Xan when the ship's voice spoke over the intercom. "You might want to get down to the shuttle bay , commander. It seems some of the team are not getting along." Echo rubbed her temples realizing the chemistry and relationships between the team will need to be gradually built over time; but going to the lower decks was something she needed to do. When she got up she motioned toward the door then stopped when she noticed Mirrah leaning against the wall. "Is there a reason why you are following me? I don't remember the council mentioning a Seer on this mission." She said, crossing her arms. Meanwhile in the shuttle bay, a male human ship worker overheard Yamesh's comment about humans and approached him. "Excuse me! Why are you criticizing her so harshly? You think we humans have it easy working with the likes of you? I'll just mention that comment to the commander. Maybe she'll shoot you down, alien!" The man frowned at Yamesh. On the command deck a female dreshykk approached Maxwel. "Saturn...sorry to interrupt you but there is something I've found on my log report...It's...strange. There is an anomaly here at this point." She said pointing her index finger down on a clipboard. Can you determine what it might be? I know its going off course and I dont want you to get in trouble with the commander but it could be important." She said and smiled.