Saerena holstered her pistols as the final insect beast went down. [color=ed1c24][i]I could get used to this[/i][/color] she thought as she glanced among her companions to assess their condition. They were alive all, and not a single one badly injured, except perhaps a figure in the distance being pestered by the now enraged Rosa. Whether the thing was friend or foe, Saerena could not say. She looked at the horizon then to notice that the mosquitos had in fact not been vanquished, but were retreating. [color=ed1c24][i]A stroke of good fortune, or...[/i][/color] Saerena had little time to think before she was interrupted by a bright light shining in the distance. At first look it appeared to be a star, but the way its brightness traveled, quickly, too fast for a rising sun, implied otherwise. [color=ed1c24][i]Maybe luck was too much to ask for.[/i][/color] Not that Saerena was disappointed; she was content to battle indefinitely. Obviously her stamina had increased since making the trip, or maybe it was just the effects of lesser gravity. Whatever the cause was, Saerena again drew and nodded hard to drop her goggles over her eyes. Just as she began to call out to warn the others, it was on top of them. She barely had time to prepare before the miniature sun came barreling towards them, directly into the man whom she had earlier assisted. Saerena watched as he cartwheeled through the air and came back down painfully to the ground. She saw him get up, trying to shake off the blow, only somewhat successfully. [color=ed1c24]Is he ok?[/color] Saerena asked her orb, now aware of its ability to speak telepathically. Instead of an answer, the HUD built in to her goggles projected a number above his person. 119/239. As she looked around, she noticed numbers appearing over the others' heads as well. Above the head of the creature, the numbers continually changed until finally reading '[b]unknown[/b]'. Knowing he could not take another hit, Saerena sprinted to the man's side as he started advancing. [color=ed1c24]"No need to prove yourself. Take a second to heal. Leave it to us."[/color] she said as she leveled both side arms at what she now identified as an incredibly muscular, flaming horse. She watched as its head lowered and started rushing forward again, this time in her direction. [color=ed1c24]"Everyone, I have an idea! Its fast, but it can't use its speed on all of us at once. Circle it and attack from all sides. If it charges again, dodge and reform the circle. If anyone can heal, be ready to. This is a powerful beast."[/color] As she finished laying out her battle plan, the flaming stallion was upon her, head lowered and charging. Right before impact, Saerena jumped to the side, avoiding the beast while aiming. As she slid sideways away, Saerena fired a fast succession of bullets into the horse's flank, hoping that they would hurt or, at least, piss it off. As she jumped upright beside the man in white she said [color=ed1c24]"Never got your name. I'm Saerena."[/color]