Nic was prepared to exit the car and start asking around. They had oh so little in terms of intel, and the only way they could learn more was to ask around the town. Social places, Schools, Hotels, cafes, any place would suffice. The town was only so large, and eventually they could set up their web and get cracking on what happened. Just as he began to reach for the handle of the door, Cassie engaged the lock and cast a glance at her CO. Of course he would look back at her to see what was on her mind, but it didn't take any sort of conversation to figure out where she was thinking. She loved her spy movies and spy toys. It was no secret that she just wanted to sit around and look imposing until someone talked to them. However, that could take a while. Who knows how long it would be until someone finally decided to walk up to the ultra fancy, cherry red supercar with black tinted windows with a former hollywood actor and a young, wet behind the ears agent at side. Neither said anything, and the volume of the radio was increased only slightly. Maybe they could take a look around other places in the town if the school lacked leads.