[hider=appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/ict2rYb.jpg?2[/img][/hider] [u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Aelia Lepidus [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] 17/04/50BC [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height&Weight:[/b] 175cm/59kg [b]Appearance:[/b] (pic at top) [b]Equipment:[/b] A variety of seeds (mostly edible vegetation), a spare outfit, and a gladius for defending herself [u][b]Psychoanalysis[/b][/u] [b]Merits:[/b] Sociable-Enjoys conversing with others, even about their issues, helping them cope. Green Thumb-She enjoys growing things, even helping growing vegetables for people to eat. [b]Flaws:[/b] Hard-headed-Will set her mind and not change it in the face of conflict unless presented with something contradictory and factual. Fear of Change-Has a hard time coping with change. [b]Tragic Flaw:[/b] None [b]Personality:[/b] Aelia enjoys plants and nature, but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy human interaction. Her skills could use improvement, but she doesn't spend as much time working on her skills of persuasion as she does on gardening, at least not until recently, when her powers sped up the process. [u][b]Recorded Information[/b][/u] [b]Culture and Country:[/b] Latin [b]Languages:[/b] Latin [b]Public Record:[/b] Aelia has maken herself known more for her abilities to grow vegetation, than her skills on the battle field. She has taken to using her new found powers to improve food production, even giving away food to those who may not have enough. [b]Private Information:[/b] Born in the capitol, Aelia grew up the daughter of a semi-wealthy equite. She always had an interest in growing things. Whenever she could, she would grow and tend to the various plants and seeds she could find. [u][b]Faction Information[/b][/u] [b]Loyalty:[/b] Octavian, as, from her point of view, he stands the best chance of coming out on top between his political and military strength. [b]Military Rank:[/b] Priestess of Ceres [b]Magical Girl Rank:[/b] Heroic-Iron [u][b]Magic[/b][/u] [b]Synchronization:[/b] 60%/100% [b]Magical Familiar:[/b] Her familiar takes the form of a deer. It lacks a sense of humor. [b]Magic Trait:[/b] Queen of Spring- Boosts Blessing/Green Thumb a rank Dual Goddess-Must choose between Blessing/Green or Curse/Black [b]Magic Abilities:[/b] Earth(M) Rank 2 Green Thumb(M) Rank 2 Healing(M) Rank 1 Blessing(M) Rank 1 [b]Power Manifestation:[/b] Accelerated growth: Using her abilities to manipulate both plants and earth, Aelia can improve the conditions of growing plants, as well as increase the speed with which they grow. Earth Manipulation: Allows Aelia to manipulate the dirt and rock below her. She finds it difficult to control large amounts of small objects like grains of sand, but large objects such as rocks may be moved, smaller ones may even be thrown. Whip: Using her powers to manipulate plants, Aelia can create a whip made of plants which allows her a weapon, so long as a plant is near. Since the whip is still plant, she can even manipulate its movement with her powers. Healing Touch: She has the ability to heal minor wounds and help cope with the pain of major wounds by laying her hands on the afflicted area, but it does not work on herself. [u][b]Skills and Metastatus[/b][/u] [b]Skills:[/b] Negotiation-Persuasion-1 Survivalism-Land Navigation-2 [b]Fate:[/b] (The number of Fate points you have. This will be assigned to you.) [b]Miracle:[/b] (???)