[color=0072bc][b]Chun-Li, Mahora, The Next Day[/b][/color] Chun-Li seemed to still be trying to comprehend just what had happen last night. The entire land seems to have become made of food. She was quite reluctant to eat the food that seemed to blanket the land as she was unsure if it was even [i]safe[/i] to eat... that is until she saw a tree that was growing Western confectionery. Chun-Li only had so much willpower especially for something she liked, so after a bit of a taste test to find the confectionery [i]was[/i] actually good to eat, Chun-Li pulled out a bag and began stuffing it full of sweets. After she got enough sweets to last her days, Chun-Li eventually followed Ranma up the Japanese bento tree to get an [i]actual[/i] meal and to talk to the pigtailed martial artist. "When Chao said 'challenge,' I was expecting something more... not this," Chun-Li admitted feably to Ranma as she ate out of her own bento and offered Ranma a cookie from her bag of sweets. [@Grey Star] [hr] [color=92278f][b]Juri, Roanapur, The Next Day[/b][/color] Both Juri and Clementine were able to find a nearby abandoned house to stay for the night... However, the next day, Clementine would wake up to hear fighting outside. This was the fifth person who had to be beaten into unconsciousness today, and Juri was [i]starting[/i] to get annoyed of it. [i]"JUST BECAUSE IT'S A GINGERBREAD HOUSE NOW DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO EAT IT!!!"[/i] Juri yelled frustrated, though she was successful in finally driving off the attackers from the house now apparently made of gingerbread. Juri panted and sighed, glancing at an untouched stop sign made of Buffalo chicken. Curiosity finally getting to Juri, she took a bite of the Buffalo chicken stop sign and her tastebuds were in spicy heaven. "...What," Juri said to herself, all logic that she knew having been thrown out the window right then and there. The food that blanketed Roanapur was edible! Finding a paint can filled with Ranch dressing and a ladder made of celery, Juri decided to sit down on the cracker sidewalk and just eat the buffalo chicken, Ranch dressing, and celery right then and there. If Juri was going to spend the day in Buffet Land, she decided to just make the most of it. [@Azakma]