Made another dude...for teh giggles [hider=The Crow] Name: Ezikiel "The Crow" Vorona Age: 236 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Creature: Human(Turned Lycan) Type of Hunter: Hunter of Hunters How long have you been hunting/afflicted: Hunting for 216 years. Took Lycan Blood 212 years ago Background: It was Him, Henryk, Kross, Slauchik, and Alexy that had accepted Lycan Blood to get their vengeance. After they had parted ways Ezikiel the blood began to mess with him, enhancing his urge to hunt, at some point it won out, altering his idea of prey. He began Hunting any kind of Hunter, causing the deaths of many among the Night Hunters order and otherwise. Reason for Joining: The Thrill Arrived: Hasn't arrived...yet [/hider]