Varia watches Axreon disappear with wide eyes and wonderment. Never before she saw a man change into a magnificent lion. She runs to the spot where he lifted upto the sky in a blazing pillar of light and stared up at the clouds. "Beware of the sly liar?" She repeats and then puts her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah very helpful. I deal with them every day in the NYPD!" She hears another gunshot and her radio goes off. It was Anna-Maria her partner. "V! T49. Backup. In pursuit." Her voice crackled over the device and Varia picks up her feet and runs down the alleyway where the gun shot was heard from. She caught glimpse of Anna-Maria's body turning a corner. "He's cornered." Anna-Maria tells her over intercom, then a gunshot. Varia gasps as she thought the worst and Maria had gotten shot. She ran as fast as she could, the wind blowing back her long hair, gun at the ready. "ANNA!" She turns the corner. Maria was down, the criminal shoots at Varia who dive rolled out of the way behind a dumpster. The criminal runs straight past her and down the alleyway. "Gah, he got away." But she had to make sure Maria was okay. She ran to her side. "Anna!" She held her friend's head up gently. Anna-Maria strained and opened her jacket to reveal a bulletproof vest under. "Still hurts." Varia smiles with relief. "But you're alive." "Go. Get him!" Anna-Maria tells her. Varia nods and takes up pursuit of the criminal again, running as fast as she can with gun in hand. [img][/img] [url=]"Stop! NYPD!"[/url]