[quote=@Zetsuko] i was bored... [hider=...so i Did this] [b]Name[/b]: Ezikiel Asturias [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/31/12/d43112468d3bb30f682267fa55003ca7.jpg[/img] [b]Affiliation[/b]: Dead Zone Revolution [b]Strengths[/b]: Charismatic/ Contacts Withing Inner circle: Smugglers, weapons dealers, informants/ Decent Hand-to hand skill [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Cocky/ Casually Brutal [b]History[/b]: Ezikiel grew up as the Heir to a highly influential Inner city family. They had close dealings with the government and he disagreed with much of what he saw, though rather than voice his opinion among the government he took a different route, Revolution, he wanted to overthrow the entire government and take over the Inner Circle. He went around the city to recruit people for this, with either his charisma, influence, or money, once he had some people with his cause he went about the next step, arming them. It turned out to be easier then recruiting, with enough money to get his Revolutionaries armed, and even secure the loyalty of a few smugglers. Now with the manpower and equipment all that was left was to "spark the fire", and they way he did this was to assassinate his own parents, one of the most influential couples in the government gone in a fiery blaze as their limousine was bombed. He did now stop their, mere hours after his parent's assassination several simultaneous raids were conducted on several other government buildings, and soon Ezikiel's Revolution occupied a small area of the city. The government dubbed this area the "Dead Zone", which became the namesake of his revolution, they cracked down hard on the rebels and Ezikiel was forced to retreat to the outer circle where they set up a base among a few of the abandoned buildings. It was after this that he heard of the Young Gods and their own revolution...perhaps he could use them. While the "Dead Zone Revolution" has only a small number left after retreating to the outer circle, their number is growing, slowly. Though they are half the size of the young gods, they are consider better armed of the two groups and the more violent. [b]Others[/b]: Despises his Family name. [/hider] [/quote] Woah, I thought that picture was Neil Patrick Harris at first.