[center] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/33c3/f/2012/158/e/6/a_new_character_by_arorix-d52lbn5.jpg[/img] [color=Seagreen] [i] [b] Name: Sage Cheshire Harris Age: 20 Powers: Sage's power allows her to phase through solid matter by shifting her atoms through intra-atomic spaces. She can phase through organic and inorganic matter with no damage to herself or others. When she phases through an electrical system, her ability disrupts the system and shorts it out. Sage can spread her ability to any person or object she touches, having phased a car, full of passengers. Sage is weightless when in her phasing state and can influence her movement to phase downward into the ground and move through it to emerge upward from a different spot, simulating levitation. Bio: Sage is quite, polite, and reserved. She was raised in a very oppressive home where as long as she didn't do anything wrong she didn't get in trouble. If she didn't speak much or really make noise she was given whatever she wanted. She often keeps to herself and reads books. She made friends fairly easily in high school where her personality started to blossom infront of close friends. She is quite witty with a sharp tongue and always loves to make her friends laugh. She is very intelligent and is a dreamer. Born into a wealthy home, Sage was given anything and everything she could want as long as she didn't bother her parents. Her mother, Maria, was a famous fashion designer and her father, Bryan, was a senator. Neither one of them ever home and when they were, they never really paid any attention to their daughter, treating her like a pest and getting the butler to get her. As soon as she was able to read, she buried herself into the library in her family's mansion. One night, during a dream where she felt like she was falling, only to awake having fallen straight through her bed and bedroom floor into the basement. [/b] [/i] [/color] [/center]