Hi, I'm definitely interested in this. I wrote up a character, lemme know if she's what you're looking for or if there's anything I need to change. [hider=Ingrid] [b]Name[/b]: Ingrid Venn [b]Age[/b]: 133 (appearance of late teens early twenties) [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Ingrid is an energetic girl with a medium build and small stature. She stands only a few inches above five feet in height, and weighs somewhere near 120 pounds. She has a very pale complexion with an uncountable number of freckles. Her eyes are light green, and always seem lively, dancing about the area around her. She has wavy, dark red hair that reaches her shoulders, though it is often pulled back in a ponytail. Ingrid's clothing typically leans towards function over form, valuing comfort and maneuverability over anything else. She usually wears a black tank top under a battered jacket made of dark blue denim with numerous patches of varying colors. Her leggings are usually simple black jeans, somewhat tight, but not enough to impede movement. A wide hole is torn in the left knee. On her feet, she wears black leather combat boots, chosen specifically for their durability. Her waist is adorned with a simple black belt, with her revolver holstered at the hip alongside a large combat knife. Ingrid has a rather large collection of firearms, and is nearly always armed in some capacity. Her 'old reliable', as it were, is a .357 revolver kept at her hip. The weapon has a chrome finish and a grip made of mahogany. In addition to her revolver, Ingrid carries a small caliber double-barrel derringer hidden in her left boot. Outside of these, the girl owns a variety of weapons ranging from sub machine guns to high caliber rifles, however it is difficult to carry her entire collection. She has made a friend of an illicit arms dealer, who typically provides her with the necessary tools. All of her weapons are loaded with her customized rounds. A small amount of her blood is mixed with the lead for each and every bullet. [b]Creature[/b]:Vampire [b] Type of Hunter[/b]: Primarily Vampire [b]How long have you been hunting/afflicted[/b]: Ingrid was bitten roughly 110 years ago. She has only taken up hunting somewhat recently. [b]Blood Magic[/b]: [i]Volatile Blood[/i]: Ingrid's magic, though made possible by her transformation, likely has roots within her genetics. Vampirism seems to have caused a strange mutation within the girl's blood, causing it to react violently when placed in the presence of blood belonging to any other living thing. If Ingrid's blood is mixed with another blood type, her tainted blood erupts into flame, burning itself like fuel. Ingrid, in a spree of 'creativity' found a convenient way of weaponizing her curse by mixing her own blood into bullets. Though makeshift incendiary rounds are her favorite toy, she has also dabbled with applying her own blood to blades, explosives, and poisons, with varying degrees of success. [b]Background[/b]: Ingrid was born in a small town in Scotland to lower-class parents. Her mother died when she was quite young, so her father took to raising her. Despite being a somewhat sickly man, he was a good parent, and Ingrid loved him dearly. Unfortunately, he died when she was about twelve, which led to her being bounced back and forth amongst various family members until she was old enough to live on her own. Her freedom finally secured, and her heart brimming with ambition and longing for adventure, she decided to travel abroad. She spent a few years traveling throughout Europe, working various jobs to fund her travels, but never staying in one place for very long. Like her parents, she had always been somewhat sickly, but that had done little to hamper her spirit. Everything had went according to plan, if there was a plan to begin with, until a chance encounter in Russia. One night while traveling alone, Ingrid met a strange man on the road. At the time, he had seemed a bit odd and old-fashioned. Ingrid had chalked this up to a cultural discrepancy, and invited the odd gentleman to travel with her. They had not gone very far before she noted that he seemed distracted by something. Again, she chalked this up to a cultural phenomenon. After traveling for a few more hours, she offered the man a drink, and immediately noticed a change in his demeanor. They stopped, and after a bit of drinking, the man offered her the strangest proposition she'd ever heard. “How would you like to live forever?” Somewhat drunk, and viewing the offer as a joke, Ingrid decided immortality would be grand. She realized the weight of her decision a moment too late. The odd gentleman, a vampire, bit her nearly as soon as the words left her mouth. Shocked, she pulled away, but she could already fill something changing within her. Before she could question the strange man, he began shrieking in pain, flames billowing out of his mouth. He darted away, screaming something about tainted blood, and leaving the fledgling vampire to fend for herself. Ingrid's life from that day forward was a crash course in coming to understand her new self. She disliked the dangers of feeding, seeking blood only when she needed nourishment at first. Eventually, she discovered there were many others like her, some hiding in the shadows, some masquerading as ordinary people. She came to understand the ways of these people. Most of them viewed humans as a food source, little more than cattle. She, however, quickly grew bored of that lifestyle. Human or not, her heart still craved adventure. Now, however, her body could keep up with her spirit. Ingrid continued to travel for many years, but her search for new sources of entertainment, combined with her rebellious nature, led her into some strange, and often dangerous, places. She learned to defend herself rather well over the years, and quickly learned there was a market for her new skills. She took mercenary and bodyguard jobs at first, before veering into darker territory. Little challenged her, being what she was, and it almost felt unfair to use her talents against people with little ability to fight back. Seeking further excitement, she began hunting more elusive and aggressive prey. Soon, her kin found themselves in her crosshairs as well. Finally, she had found an adventure worth pursuing. Thankfully, she discovered there were other like-minded individuals, and sought them out. [b]Reason for Joining[/b]: Ingrid's reasoning for joining the hunt has little to no basis in ethics. She holds no grudge against vampires in particular, in fact she's quite happy with her own transformation. She does, however, consider most of her kin to be rather boring and wasteful with their immortality. Brash, headstrong, and searching for excitement, her ultimate reason for joining the hunt is little more than entertainment. [b]Arrived[/b]: Just Arriving [/hider]