[b]Name:[/b] Abigail "Gale" Sykes [b]Metatype:[/b] Orc [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African-American [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Class:[/b] Decker [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing six feet five inches tall and weighing a hefty two hundred and sixty pounds, Gail is a very, very big gal that you wouldn't expect to be a decent decker. Her shoulders are broad, and small, twin tusks jut out from her mouth; not prominent enough to make goring people to death a thing, but enough to let you know that yes she's definitely an orc. Along with the tusks, her ears are also pointed, slightly longer than normal, and are pierced; her left ear has two plain silver rings, and her right has a single stud. Her hair is shoulder length, curly and poofy, enough to also hide her datajack that's underneath her right ear. Her usual garb is a gunmetal grey turtleneck jacket over a plain white t-shirt emblazoned with the word "Caution" in bright yellow letters, slightly shredded slim cut jeans and black sneakers. She always carries around a slim black messenger bag and prefers wearing a flat cap. She has a few string bracelets on her right wrist of differing colours and designs and often wears full fingered black gloves on her hands. [b]Cyberware:[/b] Datajack; just beneath her right ear. [b]Magical/Physad abilities:[/b] - [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*]Ceska Black Scorpion pistol [*]Comlink [*]Sim-module [*]Brass knuckles [*]Messenger bag; contains casette player, earphones, a pen, a notepad and some packets of tissue paper. [/list] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent] Growing up in the Barrens was a tough life; you either joined a gang, stayed out of everyone's way, or died. The only miracles that occured were true miracles, when someone was clean enough to pass through customs dividing the Barrens from the outside world. Abigail had heard of such stories, growing up in a dumpy neighbourhood on the outskirts of that godforsaken place, but most of her life she'd grown up with and lived around the massive wall that divided her and her family from an outside world that she'd only heard stories of. Her family were mixed with bad people, obviously. Her father, though trying to life clean to raise his kids, had once run with the Kings Gate Boys, and his three sons had followed in his footsteps, much to his disdain. She was the only one not affected as much by the gang warfare and strife that affected her neighbourhood, and instead maintained a healthy curiosity and interest in learning that her parents praised her for. Over time, as she grew up, schooled, became an adult and found a job teaching in her former school, her life began to slowly turn better, though her family was not as lucky. Within the first five years of her three elder brothers joining the Kings Gate Boys, one of them was missing, one in a coma, and one dead from the spats of gang violence that erupted outside their neighbourhood. Abigail's mother didn't take it too well, and soon she began seeking a way out for the family she had left while Abigail herself continued with her job, teaching kids and taking care of them. Then, one day, her mother approached her with an out: with money she'd saved painstakingly over the years, she had given Abigail a chance to exit the Barrens and leave her horribile life behind. The money she'd saved provided her daughter with safe passage out of the Barrens and towards Seattle, where a family friend took her in. It was then that Abigail took up the finer technological things in life, and immediately got acquainted with the wonder that was the Matrix. However, through her time spent in the Matrix, she slowly began to fall for the same vices that had once gripped her father and brothers. Given an opportunity to secure some private and confidential data for a Mr. Johnson, she took to it with gusto, and soon she built a reputation for herself as an amateur decker that knew what to do and what not do. The shadows embraced her right after, and she has never left since. [/indent] [b]Misc Notes:[/b] Gale loves her old music, and will go out of her way to obtain copies of old music (mostly old timey jazz and swing music) if she can.