[center][h2][color=#ADD8E6][U][B]Kōkina, Shūrei[/B] - [i]Yūyami Miko[/i][/U][/color][/h2][/center][hr] In response to the woman's words, Shūrei's frown deepened and she took a stance, positioning her staff further in front of her as she did so. Taking in a deep breath she opened her mind to the voices of the hitodama around her and to the emotions of the world. An intense look of focus entered her eyes and then her opponent struck. In a single swift motion she took a step forwards and whirled her staff, eliciting a response from the glowing spirits around her. Immediately a vortex of hardened, glowing wind erupted forwards, the spirits spiraling around the stream of water and flying through it in terms, tearing it apart. The veritable beam of energies continued towards Umichi even as its master struck her staff against the ground and sent glowing red streams of energy coursing into it, the glow around her fading slightly as she did so. [color=#ADD8E6][B]" Despite the wishes of the gods, I'm afraid I simply cannot let you do that,"[/B][/color] she responded, her tone both tense despite the calming sound of her voice. Spirits coalesced around her staff, channeling into it, a mixture of fire and wind now. She'd not be letting the woman hurt a single soul under her protection, not so long as she lived. [hider=Changed her outfit][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/c4cb/i/2015/275/8/e/sketch201501002_2_by_rousteinire-d9bphjl.jpg[/img][/hider]