Pulling the hood of her mantle up and her cloak tight she meandered her way quickly and quietly towards the settlement. The silver string of her bow pulled half taunt with an arrow nocked into place she kept it low but at the ready. The last several long moments of her life had been a world wind of confusion and when she had just began to believe that she was close to locating what she had been searching for another fog had whisked her away to places unknown. She was beginning to think she was as cursed as the rest of her troop. Seeing a group ahead she lowered the bow more but tightened her grip on the wood. She had no exactly had the best of luck in the last days and she would rather slaughter by mistake at this point than let live those that should die. She was not about to let her trust come easily these days. "Where is this?" she asked quickly in a firm voice as her amber dotted chocolate eyes danced over the group before her.