Marcus was still on the hill when he saw [b]it[/b] come crashing down onto the surface, spreading heat and fire around itself. It took him by surprise, making the ground on the half-way downhill shudder, causing him to lose balance. The metallic armor clanged as he landed, him trying to regain his footing to inspect the situation. By the time he had already found himself to his feet, there was combat taking place. [i]Do these people ever get a chance to rest?[/i] He looked to Menaphis. There was a deep stare as the two made eye-to-light contact. The glimmer acted as if he were being stared back, but really it was impossible to deduct. "Should...should I help them?" Marcus said, curious to whether he could put his own abilities to some use. In the name of others, he could actually do some good. That was something Marcus hadn't done in a while, do something for other people around him. Menaphis glimmered at him, slaying a ray of light upon his comrade. There was a very quick silence, much like those when a quick-time thought needed to be processed. Obviously he knew it was his own choice, but Menaphis was said to act differently than other Orbs, much like how Human society worked back on Earth. Menaphis was to be his guidance, or Guardian Orb as the real entity's name suggested. To bring him fortune and lessons was his goal. Being nothing more than a [i][b]Portable-Backpack[/b][/i] was all important to Menaphis, as if he cared about his role more than the other Orbs. When he had been travelling down the hill to get into a position, the two talked to one another about how Orbs worked, and how they acted. Menaphis was depicted as a slight [i][b]'Rebel'[/b][/i], coming up with his own rules and roles to fit his and his warrior's needs. He also told of the previous time he was to be settled for a Human of choice. Seeing as most Orbs were assigned to a Human that was chosen to lead the charges of good, Menaphis was very infamous among the other Orbs for [i]Choosing[/i] his own Human, obviously being Marcus Krean. There was no reason told for it, except that [i]'He felt Marcus was a better choice'[/i]. And as he has proved so far, he was becoming more correct as the timeline progressed. Menaphis was one of a kind, clearly. You could see it in [i]His[/i] personality. And he had also told of stories of how him and the other Guardian Orbs were never going to be the best-est of friends. [color=6ecff6]"Marcus, you have the have not been detected, and possess unique abilities to assist you in your profession, Long-Range engagements. Though obviously yo-"[/color] A large explosion of fire and heat interrupted what he was explaining. [color=6ecff6]"Obviously, before being ever-so-rudely cut off, you don't have to yell your ability names like [i][b]They[/b][/i] do. Whispering should do it..."[/color] A faint chuckle came from the Orb as Marcus nodded, beginning to settle himself down into a prone position, drawing his Rifle once more. He watched it unfold mechanically once again, as if some sort of Sci-fi bullshit had just entered reality, which technically it did. Marcus began to think as he laid it in-front of himself. Skills...skills...skills. He had selected them back on Earth, and it was true, they were very unique in everyway. No one else could've had the different mind that Marcus Krean had. [i]'What skills did I embark on selecting? It was Compromise...and there was...SILENCE...what else....what else...'[/i] He thought deeply in his mind, knowing that Menaphis was waiting in extreme anticipation for him to discover it. [i]'I KNOW! FUCKING..Uhh...That thing...ELEMENT SHOT!'[/i] Marcus lifted up the rifle so the Stock's Rear-plate was dug into his shoulder and the Optical Magnification was lined up with his right eye. He tightly enclosed his left eye to ensure he remained complete. He knew that his presence was anonymous, from both his Foe and [i]Allies[/i]. This would ensure that he had the ultimate advantage in his power. Marcus remained laid down on the flat-level ground located on the middle midst of the Hill. It was only a matter of lining up the shot. The beast, was huge, darting around from left to right. It looked like a Horse; in fact it was some sort of Stalion-like monster...With hooves from hell, and a snout that could make the bravest of Military Personnel shudder. A thud came from every [i]Clop[/i] and introduced a flaming presence that burned and scorched any unfortunate object unlucky enough to be locked within its range. The [i][b]Grass[/b][/i] became charred and the air became more heated than a Sauna, that is if you got too close. Marcus could feel the heat moving towards him, perhaps not as hot as those experiencing it Hand-to-hand combat range might've been feeling. The Mane swashed around like trees in a tornado, leaving flickers of small flames and sparks that seeped off of the tips of each hair. The burning sensation of the eyes gave Marcus a shiver. Hundreds of hellish and demonic characteristics all merged into one being was literally within 200 metres of his own location. Marcus chose to ignore everything, as what mattered now was that if he could make the shot, he'd have given everyone down there an advantage to strike. There was the thought of how he planned the Rifle's element he wanted it to effect those. He began to hold his breath, as he had done when sniping the Brofinn, and squeezed gently on the trigger, not igniting the [i][b]'fuse'[/b][/i]. He whispered to himself as he managed to find a locked position on the pelt and right flank of the stallion. The words were quiet, but were about to turn the tide of this engagement dramatically for those fighting for the same unknown cause. "Element Shot..." He whispered into the lunar wind. It was at that moment that he felt a great surge in power, as if he were engulfed in strength and focus. The world seemed to glow around him as his eyes grew into an electric-blue shade. His skin let out a faint glow on the inside, slightly off from the same colouring as his eye-sockets. He felt the gun be engulfed in the man's power as well, making him feel more accurate, more interlinked with his weapon. The gun's markings shone dimly, as shining brightly would be ridiculous for someone trained in the arts of stealth and ranged encounters, as the barrel began to make its work. The three high-calibre projectiles within the magazine began to whir up with energy and tension. The electricity flowed into them, surging them into one. The feeling of the skill was great, enticing and addicting. He tensed up, ready for the upcoming kickback that the rifle was about to shove into the handler. Marcus narrowed his only open eye more as he pulled the trigger... Within seconds, a beam of electricity shot across the sky. It was unexpected for everyone, both warriors and the beast, as he had not been noted of his presence. The shot spiraled through the wind, cutting edges into every known particle as it found itself hurtling straight towards the target. The beam could be heard fizzling through the realm. The eyes pried on it as it slammed into the right flank, as intended, and caused a electrifying [Get-it?] sensation in the beast. The Hell's Stallion found itself collapsing on the floor for a second for two. [color=6ecff6]"Good shot...Target is stunned for about 10 seconds..."[/color] "In that case, then we should take everything to our advantage!" He waited for a slow second, then began to unload the normal bullets one by one into the beast, as it soon began to find itself getting back up...