As Ahnasha feared, her and Caldris' impact on the battle lessened once they were on the ground. They could pick out a few shots, but nowhere near as many as when they were at elevation. It was true that the enemy archers were in the same position, but as the hunters' frontline was more skilled and experienced, they were continually being pushed back. The greatest help Ahnasha could be at first was to help shoot down the oil pots being thrown towards their lines, though the hunters quickly stopped throwing them once they realized that their own men were the ones being burned. Inevitably, the defenders were being driven back, and Vera doing all she could to keep the withdrawal orderly. Upon being informed by the Nord, Ahnasha rushed over to Vera while still trying to keep as close of an eye on the frontline as possible. Even with a shield wall in front of them, there was no place on any battlefield which could be considered safe. She had an arrow nocked, and was ready to draw and fire on a moment's notice. Once she reached Vera, there was no need for her to speak, as she was sure that Vera would say whatever she needed rather quickly. Meesei was running at the head of the pack, and her pace only increased once she saw the smoke. They had been running for a while, but the intensity of the situation, and fear for their clan, kept them moving despite the fatigue. Once the smoke was visible, it was only a few minutes before they were upon the entrance of the cave. Strangely, Meesei noticed that the smoke rising from the cave was thinner than what she would have expected if the hunters had tried to burn the interior of the ruin. Although, she supposed that most of the ruin was not flammable, being made of stone. Since all of the warband was in their lycan forms, Meesei decided it would be best for her to shift back to normal. There were plenty of werewolves ready to fight, so her magical support would be more useful. As Meesei shifted back to her Argonian form, the cold, snowly air bit harshly against her bare scales. Without protection, she would freeze to death rather quickly in the open air, but it was much warmer further down in the cave. She ran in quickly, casting a shield spell over herself while charging lightning in both hands. These mercenaries were striking at the heart of her clan, where Sabine, Kaleeth, and Rhazii had been waiting. She did not think about what might have already happened, and instead just focused on eliminating whatever threats were within, as that would have the best chance of keeping them safe. While Meesei had been transforming back, several of the others had ran in ahead of her, with Lorag being among the first. He had a rage in his eyes unlike any he had experienced in years, though that was likely true for many in the warband. For most, their home, friends, and perhaps even family were in danger, so these mercenaries were going to be met with all of the ferocity that these enraged lycans could bring to bear.