[@Aristo] All of which you have said is true, and I have thought about this as well myself. I'm walking a rather odd line between reality and fantasy here. I do agree that using a weapon made purely of silver could be problematic against anything other than a werewolf. As for shots being inaccurate and shrinking upon firing, that would lead to guns with silver rounds being really only usable at closer ranges, which is fine. Silver is not necessarily required to kill a Lycan, but it helps by acting like a crippling poison if you can get it lodged inside them, and of course if you lodge a silver bullet into a werewolf's brain or heart, its a clean kill. Most silver based tools/ ammo in this setting would most likely come from the Night Hunter's Organization, or through shady salesmen and black market individuals. It still wouldn't be cheap, but it would be accessible. With that said, it would be wise to conserve what silver rounds/ammo your characters have, as we wont have an unlimited supply. [@Divine Darkness] I like the concept of your character. I'd be willing to accept her if she had a little tidbit of background on her character sheet though.