From page 13-19 [hr][hr] [list] [*]pg. 13- Akkinna attacks Titan, who captures Randy and Kyato. Kyato attempts to help the trio and bug Silas, who shoots down the device. Randy and Kyato, captured by Titan, share some banter. Akkina tries to intercept, but Randy waves her away. Once at Kyato HQ, Kyato attempts to double cross Titan, but is foiled. Dennis hears the commotion, but instead chooses to field test his new scope. Aleksandri is introduced in her shop on this page, an Apothecary that's well known for its extensive inventory. Ava enters Alek's shop and the two start a conversation. [hr] [*]pg. 14- Silas and Akkina go to Kyato HQ to save their friend. Kyato pays Titan, but in counterfeit gold, earning the man's mistrust and ire. Kyato attempts to buy the friendship of The Three, as Silas, Akkina, and Randy are referred to. Randy refuses to cooperate with their once enemy. Kyato murders his own guard (For some reason) to prove his loyalty. Silas scales the building to see if their friend has been injured or not, finding out the truth. But Akkina falls asleep? And Silas jumps down to defend her from the strange Kouh and Wolf, introduced on this page. Enter JG who catches Titan eye, who worries she's a lost child stricken by poverty. Half of that is the truth as the neko-girl is much older than her appearance. They get off to a rocky start, as JG is by nature distrusting and wary of strangers, especially the hulking Titan who she suspects of following him, when in fact it was his robot drones, the Gears. Ava and Aleksandri exchange goods and coin and strike up some conversation. [hr] [*]pg. 15- Titan and JG talk in the empty tailor's, where JG reveals her phobia of human contact. Titan warns her of the trouble brewing in the Marketplace because of the high priced bounties. He inquires as to why she's in the shop and she tells him she wishes to conceal her appearance, as it warrants too much attention. He invites her to dine with him and help her with no obligations attached to either offer. He reveals that he indeed had been watching her and JG slowly begins to trust Titan, asking the man for a weapon to defend herself. Enter the Hatter, a talented pilot with his own airship! Enter FM, a mind-reading mage who likes to butt into random things around the marketplace. ENTER Ryner! The irascible old shop owner practically whips Dennis verbally over using his store's roof as a personal pedestal. Piccadilly whore is said, and a wonderful introduction for the old man. Dennis meets FM after firing a signal flare for any dangerous types that would be attracted to such a display. Akkina, Silas, and Randy are reunited! Silas exchanges some dialogue with Kouh and Wolf, but Akkina, feeling unwanted wanders away and almost runs into the veteran bounty hunter, Titan. She suffers from yet another panic attack, requiring Silas to run to her aid. [hr] [*]pg. 16- Wolf and Silas share a moment, realizing a kindred spirit in one another. Kouh and everyone else begin to get to know each other better, but not before Kyato rushes to Akkina's aid and the Three are together, Silas and Randy rushing to Akkina's side. They make a wary truce with Kyato as the new bounty hunter, Raven, steps into the scene. He demands Akkina and Silas hand themselves over. Kyato readies himself for battle, but Silas finally transforms into the beast he held inside, a lycan! Kyato and Akkina attempt to convince the wolf-Silas that Kyato is no enemy and to attack Raven. Before any of that can happen, FM shows up, blinding everyone with some sort of light spell (not specified or described). Almost instantaneously it seems, FM reads the groups' minds, but Akkina apparently kicks him out her mind before that can happen. Titan gives JG a blade and they form a bond. Together, they gather at the scene of the battle between bounties and bounty hunters! [hr] [*]pg. 17- Titan and JG stay on the fringe of the battle to see how it turns out. Wolf-Silas starts to stalk the newcomer, FM. Akkina reveals that she has a second Devil form and begins to attack without direction, going after the nearby Raven. FM belittles the lycan and claims he knows more of lycanthropy than a lycan. Silas suddenly dies of unknown causes. Akkina in inconsolable and slips into a psychotic break and insists the bounty hunters kill her. So ensues the battle until FM freezes the group with ice magic. Akkina wishes to die, then is in denial that Silas is dead. FM pisses Randy off immensely. Ava makes small talk with Aleksandri. Dennis and the old shopkeep discuss prices and items. [hr] [*]pg. 18- Heartbroken, the group struggles to cope with Silas's death. Deciding they need to leave, Akkina tries to convince the others to take the body with them, not being able to bear the thought of leaving the lycan's corpse behind. Titan and JG are accosted by FM and Raven, at which point Titan reveals a document for a false identity, claiming JG as his daughter, who plays along. Raven leaves the situation be while FM tries to trick Titan, who never rechecks the document. [hr] [*]pg. 19- Akkina wanders off, yet again and approaches the bounty hunters. All are confused by the surrender, but Titan capitalizes on the moment. Titan takes her and runs off, hoping to get the bounty without having to split it with FM who'd just arrived on the scene. FM follows Titan almost immediately. Using magic, Titan escapes and reaches Nassus's manor, Akkina in hand. Randy and Kyato exchange some heated words over Kyato's unemotional response to taking Silas's body from the scene. Ryner accepts Dennis's payment and he tells Dennis he can provide other services, as well as warning the crackshot against harming him. JG keeps watch over Silas's body so Titan collect the bounty, meeting Kouh in the process. Wolf is left on the rooftops, a lookout for any danger against his mistress. [hr] [*]pg 20- Randy follows in pursuit of Akkina, just coming up on her as she disappears in Titan's clutches. Akkina attempts to bargain with her abductor, with no success. Raven follows in pursuit as Randy grabs JG, pressing her for information. JG had been watching the situation unfold from a discreet location with the newly met Kouh, who was just distracting enough for her not to notice Randy's arrival. She reacts violently to his actions, clashing him across the face and escaping the Junker's grasp. She tells him in no uncertain terms that she has no idea where he new companion had gone and the last time she did, he'd been involved with Randy and his friends. Enter Philomel, a time-traveling swordsmaster that had taught Akkina in her past and seeks to rescue her from her current dilemma. He warns Randy to wait for the right moment to go on the offensive. FM informs them them that Titan was Akkina's abductor and returns the Holy Sword Durandel to Philomel and Randy. Philomel attempts to get a read on the situation, FM informing of his minimal relation to the issues at hand. Randy says that he's Akkina's friend, vouching for Kyato in the process. FM fesses up that he overheard talk of the nefarious Nassus. Randy knows the man all too well. Kouh becomes nervous with the large group and decides to hang back behind JG, signaling Wolf to take cover and avoid showing himself. JG suggests to her that they leave and introduces herself to Kouh. She settles on a plan to head back to Liz's Tailor shop to hide out until the heat dies down. Philomel plans to put a bounty on himself to draw out would be bounty hunters, but Akkina is already captured and they already have information as to where she would be held. FM's last action before leaving is to rat out JG and her involvement with Titan. Randy offers Philomel weapons from his shop, then homing in on JG after FM's news. Philomel attempts to capture JG. [*]pg. 21-[/list]