[b]Clementine - Roanapur[/b] The night had been amazing for Clementine, who couldn't remember the last time she'd been in a place with running, heated water. She'd then slept on a bed, and between those two things she slept better than she had in at least six months. When she did wake up it was to the sound of Juri yelling. She drew her pistol and ran outside, expecting the other shoe to have finally dropped and to find the city overrun with Walkers, but when she passed through the door all she found was Juri sitting on the sidewalk eating chicken. About half of the things around the house had been turned into food, and that included the house itself. Clem spared a thought for how gross the food might be, exposed overnight to bugs or animals or whatever, and then she started gathering her own breakfast from her surroundings. Beggars can't be choosers after all. The saying made a little less sense just because of how many options there were. She sampled most of it, and by the time she had she wasn't hungry anymore. "So... This is our challenge?" She didn't really get it, and hoped Juri had heard something before she woke up. [@GameGuruGG]