[b]Name:[/b]Countess Elizabeth Marie Mallory (Formerly Major Elizabeth Mallory of the Imperial Medical Corps.) [b]Caste:[/b] Nobility [b]Occupation:[/b] Overseer of Hilside Mine in her county, the biggest mine in the region. Also is consulted with the concerns and wishes of the people of her county. [b]Appearance and Personality:[/b] Elizabeth is 5'7, with a slender, pointed face and few wrinkles, despite her age. The only visible wrinkles that can be seen are around her mouth, most likely from years of smiling. She has auburn, slightly graying hair, and green eyes. She has a lithe frame. Elizabeth is a cheerful woman at the best of times and a determined one at the worst. In her youth her only burning passion was service to her country. But then she fell in love. Her focus gradually shifted from the empire to her family and county. While she could've striven to be the head of the IMC, but family was more important to her. She cares about the people under her rule and could certainly usher in an era of prosperity if she became Empress, but she lacks ambition. [b]Biography:[/b] Elizabeth Marie Mallory was born a viscountess in Hilside County, which is right in the middle of the empire. Growing up she was fascinated with medicine and with the military. Two subjects at the opposite ends of the spectrum. When she turned 17, she attended the Imperial Military Academy. She was deployed when was 21. For years, she served effectively and loyally but she fell in love with a foot soldier. They got married and had 2 kids, but he was killed in a training accident. Now she was 28 and alone with 2 toddlers. She stayed with the military for about 10 more years before she retired. It has been 4 years since she retired and she's taking care of her family and county, but certain friends think she deserves to be Empress and will lead this empire into it's longest golden age. [b]Motivation:[/b] Her main motivations is to protect her family and county, but those may very well change with recent developments. [b]Other Notes:[/b] I can extend the biography if you like.