[b]Garie - Roanpur[/b] "Hmph, pathetic." Garie sighed to herself as she looked out the window of the house that she had managed to find and occupy for her time here, with a bit of fighting necessary to make sure that no one bothered her about it any time soon. What could she say, she wasn't going to stay outside the entire time. It just ended up being an inevitable hassle. Even she had her preferences. Now though, things had become....odd. Even she could see it as the city shifted to the point where it looked like it was completely made of food, as if such a thing was logical or made sense at all. It definitely showed the power of the Viewer, that much was for sure. Garie though, was unimpressed. For one, it wasn't as though she had to eat food in the first place. So any nutritional value was completely lost to her. But it was amusing to watch, to see the people squabbling and tearing each other apart over what was available here and now. And if Carol had been here, well, she would have hated this as well. After all, it was nigh akin to a miracle, which she knew Carol's opinion of all too well. Still, she supposed she couldn't wait around. As if it were difficult to figure out that this would herald a challenge. So with casual nonchalance she departed her current hiding spot to walk through the miraculous city, and to wait. It was sure to be...fun. [b]Souji Mitsuka - Mahora[/b] A blazing comet fell from the sky, similar to all those who had come before it. Ensconced within the burning flame was a redheaded boy, clad in a school uniform and current unconscious. This would make the landing more pleasant, but in the end he didn't have to worry about it. Specifically, the fact that his fall was cushioned by a layer of jello from the transformed city, which he punched through before hitting the ground. That woke him up if nothing else did, and he grimaced as he rubbed the back of his head, laying on the ground. "Ahhh," he complained, glad to see that there was no blood but definitely confused. At that point he got a good look around, noting the incredibly strange city. "What?" The last thing he remembered was walking to school with Aika, Erina, and Twoearle, yet here he was instead. In a city. Made of food. Even by gender shifting twintail warrior standards that was kinda weird. He'd assume it was Anko's work, but this didn't seem like the sort of thing she would do, since she had to know that it had no appeal for him, and she didn't know his secret identity anyway. So that couldn't be it. He rose to his feet then, brushing crumbs off of his school uniform in the process. He was glad to see that he still had his Tail Gear, so he did have options, though it further confirmed that this wasn't Anko's fault. Probably. With that he got on the move, jogging out of the alley as he looked around, to see if there was anyone who could give him some assistance. At least it was easy to tell that he wasn't alone, which was better than nothing. "Hello," he called as he moved down the street. "Is anyone there?"