Welcome to the OOC thread for "Red vs Blue: Project Freelancer"! This is a roleplay which takes place in the Red vs Blue version of the Halo universe. The setting is various locations-- primarily aboard the Mother of Invention-- during the time of Project Freelancer. We will be beginning from the conception of the program (in this case, the first set of recruits) and proceeding through the remainder of Project Freelancer's life. The rp has the potential to become an AU, but will focus primarily on freelancers who were not seen in the series (all OCs). Canon characters will also be welcome. This is a high Casual roleplay, which should be written in prose (story) format in the first or third person (player preference, though third does make things less confusing). The only real posting requirements are to follow the conventions of high Casual writing and try to make a post a day. No stringent writing requirements otherwise. We are going to attempt to keep it to the tone of Seasons 9 and 10 of RvB: serious and relatively plot-driver, but with humor and fun mixed in. [u][b]Rules:[/b][/u] - Follow RPG general site rules. PG-13, though some cursing will be allowed. (They're freelancers, after all!) - Do not god-mode without explicit permission. - Do not have your character be all-powerful. Everyone has flaws, everyone takes hits, everyone loses battles. In a roleplay like this where characters are bound to be fighting other characters as well as general NPCs, it is important to acknowledge that the other freelancers are also skilled and will, occasionally, score hits, beat, or injure your character during training/combat. It's part of the fun! - If you have OOC issues, please keep them OOC. If a character says something to your character ICly, it isn't meant as a personal jab at you; it is simply an aspect of roleplaying. - Respect the other players. [u][b]Claimed Freelancers:[/b][/u] [b][Name (Gender) - Primary Armor Color/Secondary Armor Color][/b] [list] [*][i]Massachusetts (F)[/i] - Cobalt/White[/*] [*][i]California (F)[/i] - Maroon/Gold [/*] [*][i]Illinois (M)[/i] - Steel/Brown[/*] [*][i]Iowa (M)[/i] - Sage/Violet[/*] [*][i]Alaska (M)[/i] - Steel/Gold[/*] [*][i]Montana (M)[/i] - White/Steel[/*][/list] [b]Please be aware of which armor color combinations have been taken already by both canon and non-canon freelancers. Each freelancer's color combo is unique.[/b] [b]Canon color combinations which are taken:[/b] [b]Please note: There is no such color as "black" within the Halo games, therefore black is "steel." If it shows up on this list, it is, in fact, denoting black. Please try to avoid overlap with canon colors.[/b] Steel/Steel White/White Steel/Yellow Green/Salmon Tan/White Brown/White White/Orange Purple/Green Magenta/Lime Green Blue/Blue Aqua/White Canon freelancers already have set genders, appearances, backgrounds, and personalities. Please be aware of all of the freelancers who have already been specifically crafted by Roosterteeth. Below you can find a quick list to refresh your memory. [b]Canon Freelancers:[/b] [i]Maine, Carolina, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, York, Washington, Wyoming, Connecticut, Florida.[/i] [b]Canonically-Mentioned Freelancers:[/b] [i]Utah, Georgia.[/i] [They are still useable as OCs, since they only appear in deleted scenes for RvB, so we don't know much about them other than that they are both male.] [b][u]Character Applications[/u][/b] Please post all Character Applications in this thread for a quick look-over prior to entering your character in the roleplay (this will just be double-checking for overlap, mostly). Remember, the more thoroughly you fill them out, the more your fellow players understand your character! If you would like to make a character that fulfills missing roles within the freelancer program or within the rp (i.e. if we are high on CQB freelancers but low on distance/mid-range weapons specialists or if we need to balance out gender ratios), feel free to peruse the existing bios before you create your own. We are also always around to answer whatever questions about the characters and the rp you may have! [b]Count of Armor Abilities:[/b] Camouflage - 1 Armor Lock - 2 Hologram - 1 Hardlight Shield - 1 Thruster Pack - 1 Drop/Domed Energy Shield - 0 [b]Character Application:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [b]Codename:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] [21 is the absolute lowest age acceptable for a freelancer. There are already several agents this young; please make your agents older than 21.] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Specialty:[/b] [[b]No CQB soldiers will be allowed for now.[/b]] [b]Armor:[/b] [Image and/or specific description] [b]Armor Ability:[/b] [Please try to keep this diverse, where possible. Obviously there will be overlaps, but let's try to have a variety of abilities to work with. [b]Only two freelancers may have the same power. Please see the list above to be certain your power is not already taken.[/b]] [b]Appearance: [/b] [b]History: [/b] [b]Personality: [/b] [b]Any specific weaknesses/flaws:[/b] [b]Quirks:[/b] [If any]