[u]Agent Massachusetts: Character Application[/u] Name: Elizabeth Skyler Nicknames: Lizzy Sky, Mass Codename: Massachusetts Age: 24 Rank: Freelancer (Former ODST) Specialty (if any): Snipers, CQB [OOC Note: Slightly more skilled/used to CQB, but still an excellent-- and improving-- shot with a sniper.] Armor: See icon. Cobalt blue armor with white accents and green arm band detail. ODST helmet, Mark VI shoulders, CQB chest piece. Armor Ability: Camouflage Appearance: Outside of her armor, Lizzy Sky could be typified as "cute." The young woman has bright blue eyes framed by light lashes and set beneath mildly arched eyebrows. She tends to wear her shoulder-length blonde hair in a short braid so that it doesn't get in the way or make wearing her helmet difficult. She has sun-kissed skin with a small mole on the edge upper right edge of her lip, and stands barefoot at a height of 5' 5". Build-wise she's thin and slightly pear-shaped due to the flare of her wide hips. She appears to weigh around 125 lbs, which, when coupled with her height, causes others to underestimate her capabilities. History: Lizzy joined the standard UNSC Marines at the age of 19; she later applied and was accepted to the ODST program. She trained there for a year, earning excellent marks in training, and later displayed the high quality of her skills on missions along with her squad. It was from the ODSTs that Lizzy was invited to join Project Freelancer and, after a brief interview session where she asked more questions than they did, she agreed to the honor. She was among the first batch of recruits to arrive at the facility, go through the initial medical exams, and get outfitted. She has been training privately in preparation for the first monitored or partner training sessions. Personality: Mass is a pleasant woman with good manners and a seemingly cheerful outlook on life. However, she IS a freelancer and she knows her way around a weapon well enough that those who try to mess with her thinking she'll be an easy target get more than they bargained for. She prefers hand-to-hand combat over guns, since her strength is in distance weapons or CQB. In spite of being a follower, she is stubborn and somewhat commanding. If Lizzy feels something is genuinely a bad idea, she'll put her foot down and refuse to let anyone go through with it. That said, if a mission was possible but poorly constructed in some way, Lizzy would be the first to point out the flaws in a plan before going through with it anyway. Orders are orders after all, so what's a little risky fun along the way? She's sweet, if a little unpredictable, and has a love of theatre and music. Although she doesn't dwell on it, Lizzy is aware that she has always cared more about her squadmates and fellow soldiers than a soldier in wartime should. This innate concern for others can affect Lizzy's judgement in battlefield scenarios, as she is likely to be more concerned about a wounded companion than the objective of the mission unless someone who outranks her gives her a direct order. It is a quality which has, in the past, been both a blessing and curse and likely will elicit the same duality in the future. When paired with her age and her looks, she comes across as being naive or foolish to older soldiers/freelancers who are more grizzled or disinclined to sympathy than she. Any specific weaknesses/flaws: Cares too much about others; nearly rubbish at mid-range weapons/grenades Quirks: Has a tendency to play music from the "megaphone" function of her helmet while training. She also tends to dance when her music is on, even if it's mid-combat, provided the situation isn't serious. This sometimes leads to people believing she isn't entirely sane.