[color=00a651][h3]Tiffany[/h3][/color] She happily took the shirt offered to her, smiling brightly before leaning up and kissing Marshall's cheek.[color=00a651]"Thank you Marsh, you're a life saver!"[/color], she said completely relieved that she would not have to wear a stained shirt all day or even wait for it to dry before even getting to feel a bit comfortable. Marshall may seem scary to a lot of people but in her eyes, he was a sweetheart and someone she could always depend. [color=00a651]"I'll keep your batting skills in mind should the need for it ever arise."[/color]Tiffany chuckled, before looking at the shirt in her hand.[color=00a651]"Guess I should head and get changed, catch ya later?"[/color] [color=f49ac2][h3]Abigail[/h3][/color] A sigh of complete relief came from her lips as she noticed the spilled pencils and sketch book were still scattered in front of the bench Nova had bolted from. She couldn't know if it was all there but at least some of it was and that would me she could return it to its rightful owner. Nova would let her know if anything extra was missing, well if she ever found the blonde woman since she was good at keeping away from people if need be from what Abigail had gathered. Abigail picked up everything,plopping down on the bench and taking a look around only to spot something she certainly didn't see everyday. She popped up, moving over to the beauty of twisted metal and style that formed this dazzling sports car. [color=f49ac2]"Now that is my kind of ride."[/color] Abigail spoke softly to herself, knowing better than to touch it since she didn't need some spoiled brat ripping her a new one. [color=00aeef][h3]Nova[/h3][/color] Here blue eyes scanned over the words in front of her, her ears tuning out all sound around her as she focused in on the Greek Mythology book she had happened to grab. It was a nice surprise that choosing at random had yielded her with one of her favorite types of legends. The stories were always just so interesting and she wondered what the real story behind their making was. She let herself drift into the pages, the words making a movie in her head as she imagined the details of each part in the tales but suddenly, the story was interrupted, changed in her mind as a sound from the outside world pulled at her and caused her to look up. Rain pattered softly against the window, just a sprinkle at the moment but she prayed that it went into full swing for the rain had always been her favorite weather. Nova closed the book softly, watching the people pass by on the window and hurrying along in cast the rain really started and they were stuck out of it not prepared.