[@The Survivor] I would like to see a more detailed biography, but I get that the specifics are hard to do given your limited view of the setting at the moment. As we go on in this, I'd like to see you flesh it out more with the locations, people, events the RP elaborates on. But for now, I accept you into this RP. Post your sheet in the characters tab. [quote=@Zugzwang] I can totally play both. Is the imperial army run like pre-ww1 Germany/Prussia (staff officers attached to noble-commanded armies, with various but significant control)? If so, running both would be much easier. [/quote] I think it's fair to say that Imperial Germany is a good reference for the Rozarrian Empire in pretty much all societal, cultural, and military matters. Especially military. And yeah, that sounds like how the Empire would run its armies, but without the 'various'. The Emperor smacked down the nobility [b]hard[/b] in the last century after they tried to oppose the strengthening of the absolute monarchy, and the nobles have pretty much lost all say in what their levies do. [quote=@Flynn] [@Vahir] I have a question. What is the religion in The Holy Rozarrian Empire, since it's 'Holy' and all. Would there be an Inquisition of the sorts? And if yes, could we play them? (Head Inquisitor is a important administrative role I'd say) [/quote] [hider=Religion of the Empire] The north-west of the continent, essentially all lands not under the rule of the Shah or the Xiang, have for millennia followed the Tverian faith, a pagan worship of three gods: Akuna, who creates; Sverith, who shapes; and Niadmor, who takes away. These three form the circle of life, and are part of a larger whole. Those who create, shape, or destroy become one with the respective god upon death, and thus their worship is also a kind of ancestor-worship. When the Rozarrians began expanding, three hundred years ago, they also followed this faith. At the time, the kingdom was an insignificant one, notable only for its position on the edge of the towering Nerwain mountains. As the kings grew in strength, they began to appropriate religious traditions as well, declaring themselves living avatars of one of the gods. But there was no true schism until the first Emperor, Ondulf the Great, declared himself Emperor, meaning "One by three" in the Rozarrian tongue. He began the Imperial policy maintained to this day, that the Emperor was the living embodiment of not only a god, but ALL the gods, and also by extension all the virtuous dead. Now, the religion of the Empire is the worship of the Emperor, with a veil of Tverianism left for theologians to argue over. All prayers are directed to the Emperor, and it is maintained that when a loyal citizen dies, his spirit becomes one with the Emperor. Thus the Empire is also called the Holy Rozarrian Empire, as it is ruled by the gods themselves- after a fashion. Needless to say, all of this was not terribly popular with the Tverians of the north and western coast, generally called the Livonians. It was an early cause of conflict between them and the Empire, though since it has largely been forgotten under the more pressing issues of ressources, ideology, and the very survival against the might of the Emperor. [/hider] Yeah, I imagine there'd be an inquisitor-type role, to root out the dirty Tverian heretics that refuse to accept that the Emperor is the living embodiment of the gods. Now, it'd be more on the style of the Spanish inquisition, more of a secret service of the crown, to be used against political enemies and not always most concerned with religion.