This is an example of the consequences I mentioned. Maxwel had the choice to ignore the councils orders by going straight to Xan and instead check out the mysterious ship, or could choose to check out this mysterious vessel but also lose reputation points with Cadence, he chose neither. The consequences? The mysterious shipintercepted us instead shutting off the Lightyears...everything. If he chose to check it out, we wouldve caught the vessel by surprise instead and still have everything online. I know this is confusing and this example is a rough draft but these events will get better as the story goes on. But now since we need to board the ship and shut down whatever it is that is interrupting the Lightyears functions, we have a chance to uncover a dark secret in this universe. And we need to do this before the ship collides with the dark vessel so we are on a timed mission. Each post I make will include how much time we have left. If we dont complete it in time...role play over.