Lammy's anxiousness melted a bit as the group approached the city's walls, what once seemed imposing and fearsome looked quite pitiful up close. The soldiers watching the wall were nothing more than bewildered children, surprised to see equally confused individuals approach their moat. Their weapons were old, and damaged, and looked like they could fall apart at any second. [i]"Someone should look into ironwood for this army..."[/i] Lammy pondered as he watched one of the kids summon for their superior. And then he had to look on as their commander approached them. The druid had to admit, the man moved kinda fast for someone his age. [b]"You must've lost your way, no one comes to Falstaff."[/b] The Sergeant mentioned. Given the pitiful state of affairs the city seemed to be in, Lammy could understand why. "This was the nearest thing resembling civilization, so we didn't have much of a choice-" Sheeva flapped down in this moment, landing at her usual perch. "Chiiiweirk chiweirk! [i](Y'know, I don't know why I was so scared of these soldiers. Ha, These kids couldn't hurt me even with [b]good[/b] weapons!)[/i]" The red-tailed hawk would've scoffed if she could've. "So...Falstaff? Is that like, the name of the town...or the whole country?" Lammy questioned with hesitation. "I'm also wondering if the fog teleportation is a typical thing for you guys, or if the lot of us were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Just as he mentioned the foggy phenomena, another individual entered the scene, her bow at the ready. [b]"Where is this?"[/b] She interrupted. Sheeva's head cocked towards the girl, curious at the mystery archer's urgent demeanor. "Falstaff, apparently." Lammy mumbled back quickly, before turning his attention back to the elderly Sergeant.