The swordsman, despite being quite pale from throwing up, patted Gaius's back while talking with a merry tone to him. [i][color=8882be]Most of us, maybe,[/color][/i] he thought, doubting that everyone would be completely unperturbed by what they were doing. Sure, their abilities would give them the ability to fight. However, they really didn't do anything to lessen the shock. Nonetheless, he simply smiled back to him and said, [color=8882be]"Yep!"[/color] Suddenly, he saw a yellowish-orange glow trace the plains around him and the others, who had finished up their fights. Surprised, Gaius thought, [i][color=8882be]It can't be turning day so suddenly, can it?[/color][/i] The timing was a bit cheesy, day breaking as soon as the baddies were defeated. Unfortunately, his orb agreed. [color=0054a6]"That's... not the sun."[/color] A blazing figure suddenly burst from the horizon, ramming past Theo with shocking speed and force. The beast was practically the antithesis of Gaius, wreathed in light and about as fast, if not faster, than himself. Even after the bolt-like shot from the hills stunned it for a moment, by the time he built up enough momentum to deal any damage, the fire cloak reformed, stripping his stacks away and forcing Gaius to get back. Aside from ranged attacks, which would likely have trouble hitting something moving that fast, they really would have to stun the weird horse thing in order to hit it with anything else. Unable to do much, he almost felt disappointed with himself. [color=0054a6]"Y'know..."[/color] Gaius's orb said, floating by his head. [color=0054a6]"You still have that other skill... whatever it was called..."[/color] [color=8882be]"Other skill... Ah, right!"[/color] Gaius clapped his hands together, understanding what it was getting at. Pointing at his target while he did so, Gaius called out the name of his skill. [color=8882be]"Night Walk!"[/color] Despite the thick flames surrounding its body, a shadow covered the beast's head like a blanket thrown over it. The skill would probably better being used to boost Gaius's speed, but he could still use it in other ways as well. Cutting off its vision was really the best thing he could do for now, anyways. Turning to his orb, Gaius said to it, [color=8882be]"Despite being sorta air-headed, you actually seem to be pretty smart."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Huh...?"[/color] [color=8882be]"... Nevermind."[/color]