[@thewizardguy][@snarfulblast][@thewizardguy][@snarfulblast][@thewizardguy][@snarfulblast][@thewizardguy][@snarfulblast][@thewizardguy][@snarfulblast] Eclipse gasped as he heard Kiyoki's magically thrown voice. Someone in their group had released that sea-dragon? And then he knew exactly who it was. It made sense now why the vampire was so confident about the hydra not being interested in their ship. HE had released it. But the vampire had also left the dimension in an irate flash. The rest of them were innocent, except for perhaps Albert, who seemed to have a personal vendetta against the dragon emperor. Eclipse then saw the long line of the city's people, all holding hands with a unparalleled sense of patriotism and loyalty. He stopped short and gasped, reading their spirits, their hearts. They were standing there VOLUNTARILY, holding hands, and barring the hydra from destroying their city and reaching their emperor with their own lives. The hydra of course, didn't care. Eclipse leapt off the dragon and burst into a set a wings and flew toward Kiyoki. "Captain!" The paladin-demigod was speaking to Kiyoki, who seemed to be in charge. "The one who released the hydra is no longer with us. He did so entirely on his own, without our knowledge, so we are innocent." He landed on some lower ground and walked a few steps, not drawing any weapons. Kiyoki did not seem convinced. "Please, you must order your people to flee to safety. The situation is dire." Moved by the emotions of the people and by the threat to their innocent lives, Eclipse knelt down and gave in. "I am Eclipse, god of love, justice, and truth. I cannot deny you my aid. Please tell me anything you know about how to fight this creature, and I will do everything in my power to assist you."