[center][h2][color=teal][b]Saellow, Goddess Of Flight[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [center]Saellow sat by, watching land be shaped and Jor'Mok • Re manifest himself, and decided she wanted in. [b][color=teal]"Hm. My birds need a place to live too, even though the mountain is nice... I know! How about this..."[/color][/b] She sculpted a highland area to accompany the rocky plains and fertile island. [b][color=teal]"There! That should hold most of my birdies. And some nice hunting grounds for civilizations. Now you have fertile soil, stone, and meat for the first race to settle there; what more could you need?"[/color][/b] The Divine Prince and God of Constructs had created some. Now all she had to do was help along! Jor'Mok • Re seemed pretty angry at anything, so she didn't mess with him. He was scary.[/center] [hider=Actions][b]Roll:[/b] +6 [b]Previously Stored Points:[/b] +0 [b]Events Bonus:[/b] +1 [b]Actions:[/b] [i]Shape Land[/i], used on two squares, (4,-9) and (4,-10). Created flat, highlands plain stretching beside the fertile land and rocky ranges for high biome diversity. [b]Cost:[/b] -6 [b]Remaining Balance:[/b] 1[/hider]