[color=0072bc][b]NEMO ALTARE[/b][/color] Standing sentry outside of the dorm-room entry-way, Nemo fiddled about with the glasses, trying--unfortunately in vain--to at least correct the frames. No good...he'd be going without for a while, at least until he could find something to mend the fragile keep-sake with. A longing sigh erupted from the boy's chest, eyes drooping at the thought of it. The youth couldn't bare the possibility of having to walk around, identity at large without the protection of his trusty eye-wear. Then again...he supposed he'd been through worse. [color=f26522]"Hey, bum, going to sit there like a mood 'till the captains come roosting?"[/color], a voice jested, giving the dark-skinned boy a light tap to the shin via boot-toe. Greatttt...just what he needed right now, the poster-boy for the [i]"Be-My-Friend"[/i] club. If it was all the same to him, Nemo would've rather been let alone right now, especially given the circumsta-- Another tap to the shin. [color=f26522]"Come on, get up...unless you'd rather be a real a glutton for punishment."[/color], the voice, now a bit bored by the boy's lack of response, seemingly pouted out. Was this asshole just UNABLE to mind his own business? Maybe he was obsessive compulsive. Maybe he was just mentally unstable. May-- [color=0072bc]"Stop."[/color], Nemo coldly replied, catching the encroacher's foot before sending him tumbling off-balance. It was almost mid-day now...the time of day Nemo hated the most; In the weather he hated the most--blazing sunlight--out of all the seasons; With a kid bolstering the personality he hated ALMOST the most. All in all, this was either an extremely annoying coincidence, or this kid just didn't know when to call it quits and politely [i]fuck the hell off[/i]. The two sat in silence for a minute, before the idiot opened his trap [i]once again[/i]...to--goddesses could only tell this was coming--speak...again. [color=f26522]"Name's George, by the way, what was yours again?"[/color] Country bumpkin, by the sound of that name... [color=0072bc]"I never gave it."[/color] [color=f26522]"Right...right...but if you did it would be...?"[/color] Nemo let out a deep, low rumbling. If this carried on much further, he wouldn't exactly be able to guarantee this kid's safety from a nice gentlemanly conversation with his slowly tightening fists. A sharp "Crack" roused Nemo from wallowing within his aggravation. He glanced down at his bleeding hand, uncurling it to reveal the now fully broken glasses resting on a badly cut palm. [color=0072bc]"Nobody..."[/color], he mumbled. This day couldn't get any worse...could it? His chest began to heave in frustration. Nemo chuckled to himself, the past few events leading up to this were incredible, but this...this took the cake. He began to see the funny side of it all, given the irony of the owner of a precious keepsake inadvertently destroying it in their own blind rage. [color=f26522]"You...uhm...you feeling okay?"[/color] This fucking queer REALLY, couldn't let anything go. Like a leech, the brown-haired, black-eyed, peach-skinned kid had attached himself to Nemo, and was now completely and utterly refusing to let go. The dark-skinned soldier shuddered to guess how many others akin to this imbecile remained in the camp. Still...the kid was ignorant of all of his blatant stupidities... He supposed the honorable thing would be to give him the option to retreat. [color=0072bc]"Yes...I'll be fine..."[/color], Nemo replied coldly, standing up and looking as if he were about to leave. [color=f26522]"Oh, alright...want me to help?"[/color] Nemo winced at the character standing opposite him. He was pretty sure that meant he'd declined the offer of peace. Yep, very sure. So sure, in fact, that the boy felt no remorse whatsoever, once his fist found its way round about the kid's jaw-line. The solid blow decked the intruder to the dusty ground, and--feeling nothing less than adrenaline running through his veins now--with that, Nemo was back inside the dorm. He stomped over towards his bunk with little trouble due to that helpful card, flopped down, and closed his eyes. He needed to relax, take deep breaths, forgive and forget... Breathe in...breathe out...good...calm...calm... [color=f26522]"...you gonna 'pologize for that? Really quite uncalled for..."[/color], the boy mumbled, suddenly appearing beside Nemo's pre-chosen bunk like an unrelenting ghost. It took nearly all the self-restraint Nemo had built up over the years to stop himself from choking the kid in front of the massing throngs of other cadets. [color=0072bc]"It's of no concern of mine if you happen to be too ignorant to understand my reasonings."[/color], he hissed icily, waving the kid off before closing his eyes in an attempt at returning to the peace of the mind-less void, commonly called "sleep". His eyes shot open to the feeling of the mattress flipping off of its frame, carrying the resting cadet to the floor along with it. [color=f26522]"Salutations then."[/color], "George" spat, rubbing his jaw as he turned about and walked off, searching for his bunk. The mattress flipped off of the ground with an almighty heave from underneath, colliding with the floor with a "thump". George stopped, turning around just in time to feel the solid slam of Nemo's boot into his gut, followed by a vicious upper-cut to his already aching chin. Everything when numb, and he collapsed to the floor beneath the dark-skinned champion. Logic suddenly booted compassion out of the window, smacking Nemo upside the face with a million different repercussions for such an action. [color=0072bc]"..shit."[/color], he mumbled, looking down at the unconscious cadet sprawled before him now...then up at the various dozens of cadets staring--stupefied--at the event that had just occurred.