[color=gray]Sel'ket sat in silence and waited for the others to join her. When they did, she gave them all a nod and leaned forward on the table, wresting her elbows on the surface. [color=white][b]"Brothers."[/b][/color] Sel'ket started, she was about to say sisters as well but she had noticed she was the only sister. If only Vincent had seen that, he'd tease Sel'ket for the rest of his life. [color=white][b]"I have news. Plenty of it."[/b][/color] Sel'ket took in a breath, [color=white][b]"Firstly. It seems Kill Team Two-Six is operating in this region. Now I understand that we all have some pent up animosity against them, but I can't stress it enough that we are to not engage them. Two-Six isn't here for us, they're here for the second piece of news I bring."[/b][/color] Sel'ket looked at the four immortals around the table, [color=white][b]"It seems Sempra-Tor has graced the world with new immortals. Some haven't reached thirty years of life yet. Two-Six has found one and is moving in to capture the boy. He is inexperienced and capturing him would yield far too much information about us. We have only one option. Find this new immortal before Two-Six does and induct him into the Illuminati. We need to spread false information to Two-Six, put them on the wrong trail."[/b][/color] Sel'ket then smiled, [color=white][b]"It would seem our father, Sempra-Tor, has seen how few of us are left. Sigil is actively searching for new immortals as we speak and results are showing from all over the world. They're like baby turtles, however. Now that they've hatched, they're completely vulnerable until they reach the ocean. Many of them will be lost. We need to curve the odds into our favor."[/b][/color] Sel'ket finally took up Aiden's offer for wine. She poured the drink in a glass and lifted it, [color=white][b]"A toast. To young immortals."[/b][/color] And she drank. [color=lime][center][b]-- December 15th, 6320 -- 3:14pm -- Mantle Level -- District 14 --[/b][/center][/color] "First room... Done!" Vincent cheered as he threw his dust pan and broom on the pristine floor and sat down on a completely dusted off chair. He looked around, [color=white][i]"God damn... It only took us two hours..."[/i][/color] Yari groaned, [color=white][i]"My back is killing me... How many rooms are in this building?"[/i][/color] [color=white][i]"Sam?"[/i][/color] Vincent prompted. [color=royalblue][i]"I feel as though I shouldn't answer."[/i][/color] Yari nodded, [color=white][i]"Thank you!"[/i][/color] [color=royalblue][i]"But I will. You have sixty-eight more rooms left to clean. All of which, are as dusty of this one."[/i][/color] the Ai let out a synthesized chuckle. Vincent groaned and Yari started counting on his fingers, [color=white][i]"Sixty-eight rooms, each taking two hours to clean, that's... One hundred and thirty-two hours. That makes... Five and a half days. Fuck! We're going to be dusting for a goddamn week!?"[/i][/color] [color=royalblue][i]"I should add that this room is, in fact, one of the smallest rooms in the building."[/i][/color] Sam said. If the AI had a holographic body then, Vincent expected to see it grinning. Vincent gasped and hung his head back, staring up at the roof tiles which were lifted to clean the rafters. [color=white][i]"We need a damned robot... Why haven't we requisitioned a damned robot?"[/i][/color] Oshiah turned the corner, [color=white][i]"Because robots can be hacked and we don't need one of those going rouge on us during a sensitive mission like this. You gotta do it by hand, ladies."[/i][/color] Yari and Vincent both groaned.[/color]