[color=FireBrick][center]James Gerard, December 15th, 6320--2:36 to 3:15 pm-Mantle Level--District 20, Olympus[/center][/color] As the Russian sat down, James did his best to ignore the man's ethnicity, but being Immortal made grudges hard to let go and the Russians were a grudge the Spartan had a hard time letting go of for some unknown reason. Then the Roman walked over, the smug look on his face, and suddenly the Russian seemed like better company. [color=SaddleBrown]"You would do well to remove that smug look, Roman, or I might just ruin your day for you."[/color] This convinced the Roman to sit a little further away and allowed James an easier time listening to Scarab. While she spoke, he got a waitress' attention and ordered their strongest drink, which arrived just as Scarab proposed a toast. The Spartan, grinning, held up his glass. [color=SaddleBrown]"Stous néous athánatoi."[/color] After downing the glass, he looked at Scarab evenly. [color=SaddleBrown]"You're aware I am not a man of subterfuge, right? I may not be of much assistance this time."[/color]